Chapter 4. Debut

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Alya's POV

That newbie girl has been staring at me for straight 2 hours today. Her violet eyes just never leave me and looks at me like I've suddenly grown a third leg or something. 

I pretended to drop my pencil so I can swoop another glimpse of her. 

She looked darn pretty. Her hair was so wavy and the orange-ness in her hair almost looked natural. There was a beautiful gleam in her hair that would make a lot of boys cry. I glanced at her one more time and our eyes met. Her eyes contained blazing fire. 


I turned back immediately, nibbling at the end of my mechanical pencil. Why is she keep staring at me like that? 

"Dude, stop waving your head like a crazy person," Nino hissed beside me. 

Ever since she and Adrien had started dating, Marinette had ruthlessly ditched me to sit next to Adrien which left Nino blinking at me in every single class, right beside me. 

"When you stop having that face on," I poked Nino's face with the mechanical pencil. "You keep looking at me like I did something wrong." 

Nino rolled his eyes, his fingers dancing on the phone screen under his desk. "You always do something wrong, remember last science project? You literally got us an F," he whined. 

"I didn't get us an F, it was a D, and if you didn't want to get a D, shouldn't you at least try to help me?" I protested, poking him more aggressively. 

"I think I helped you enough," Nino raised both hands, a surrender pose. 

"You think you helped me enough," I laughed. "Not enough, man." 

Then the bell rang and even before the bell ended, I had all my things gathered neatly, out of the classroom, ready to barge out of school. 


I jumped, wide-eyed, and whipped around to meet the most intense purple eyes. She reached out her hand and placed it firmly on my shoulders. 

"We need to talk." 

Behind her, I caught a glimpse of Patrick sulking around like a stalker. I blinked and managed to bob my head up and down. 

Trixie smiled, "Good." 

Then with a stern yank, she dragged me outside the school and jammed me on the bench that Marinette and I used to sit a lot before she started having dates with him 24/7 in any slip of time. 

"I know it's gonna be surprising and all," Trixie started. "But . . ." She seemed to hesitate a lot. It was weird; she was outgoing and stuff but now she seemed to be really considerate. 

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