Chapter 21. Fate-bound

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Trixx's POV

An army clouds started hovering over all of us, illuminating in an odd plum color. It was my confusion clouding my mind. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Just show me where your memories are," Plagg insisted. 

Unsure and still with the clouds, I drummed my fingers on the velveted bed sheet. In another moment of whim, a flash of light streaks across the sky and we're in complete darkness with millions and millions of glowing gigantic balls floating on us, glowing faintly. 

"What's this?" Adrien asked as he touched gleaming sphere. It immediately lit up and the light engulfed us, revealing ourselves in a whole another place. 

"It's a memory," I explained in a hush voice. 

The colors and shapes were sharp, indicating that this memory was new. I was standing in the back of the classroom, where Ms. Mandeleiev was preaching her butt off about elements. 

"It's me!" Marinette squealed as she pointed at herself sitting on the front. 

"And me!" Alya shrilled, pointing at the sleeping girl. "And I'm sleeping!" 

"What's this memory?" Tikki asked but I completely ignored her. I didn't know what to do with her. Should I forgive her like nothing's wrong? No, don't make yourself look weak, Trixx. 

Then 'Trixx' suddenly jumped up from the middle of the class, screeching, "He wasn't the first person to rearrange the periodic table! Uh huh, it wasn't! It was someone else from Germany!" 

Everyone went silent. 

Then the colors jumped vibrantly and drained out, only leaving a black-and-white copy of the event. It meant that my memory from now on had became dull and uninteresting. There was a swirl as the memory gathered itself and turned into a sphere once more. 

"Don't touch random spheres," I hissed angrily. "If you open a very embarrassing one, I'll kill all of you guys and bury in the core of the moon." 

"Yes, mom," Nino mumbled. 

We marched in a few more steps, carefully avoiding the floating luminous circles. I pushed back a few of them gently, trying to search through my oldest, most mysterious memories. The spheres started shrinking and shrinking as I came across most of the unimportant ones. 

"Why do you have so much memories?" Nino complained again as he dodged another one.

"How long did you think I lived? Seventeen years?" I laughed. 

Nino stayed silent. I'm assuming he was corrected. 

"Which one are we looking for?" Marinette asked, wrinkling her nose as she peered into a sphere. 

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