Chapter 14. Complicated

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Alya's POV

I peered down around at the roof top, looking this way and that. Of course, I wasn't waiting for Jade Turtle, I was just curious where he would be. I swung my legs around at the edge of the Eiffel Tower, looking down on Paris. 

"It's dangerous here, vixen," his familiar voice reprimanded me. 

I flung around, smiling. Why was I smiling anyways? I screwed my face into a frown. 

"You're dangerous," I snapped. I stood up and looked down at the bottom. Unlike the other heroes, I had no way of transporting. Maybe I had flying powers but I didn't know it! 

"No," Jade Turtle said, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. "I know exactly what you're thinking and it's not going to work." 

I looked at his hazel eyes, finding myself being drowned in his aura once more. I took a big sigh and immediately covered it up with a cough. 

Silence enveloped us. I have to say something before it gets awkward! 

"Hey, the other day I met Nino Lahiffe," I blurted out. 

Jade Turtle raised an eye brow. "Yeah, I know that dude. He's pretty cool." 

"Anyways," I shrugged it off. "He had said something bad about me and he wanted to apologize for it. I think it's really nice of him to do that but I'm still kinda mad at him." 

"That's sweet of him," Jade Turtle said as he sat down next to me. 

"Hey, you know Alya? The excited high school reporter?" I said. "Well she was hurt big time because of Nino. I mean, how would you feel if someone trash-talked your idol behind your back." 

"Really bad, I guess," Jade Turtle sighed. 

"Exactly! She felt depressed, moody, and stupid all day!" I said, flinging my hands up. "That's not something you want to feel. Especially when your period is coming up!" 

Jade Turtle blinked and momentarily turned pink. 

Aww, he was so cute—wait, what? 

"Yeah but Nino probably didn't try to do it on purpose," Jade Turtle defensively said. "I mean, maybe he was trying to defend his own idol or something. You shouldn't judge people like that." 

"I guess," I shrugged. "But then, I wasn't there so I have no idea, of course." 

"Mmhm," he nodded enthusiastically. "Same." 

I looked down at my orange-booted feet. "Hey, look orange and green go pretty good together," I cried as I placed my hand on his arm to compare the colors. Immediately, I felt a flush of sparks fluttering inside my body. 

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