Episode 11: Beauty and the Bandits

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"Okay, look! We don't want any trouble. We're just passing through," I spoke up, raising my arms. Shelly and Mimia copied, even stepping backwards to try and look as harmless as possible. Well, Mimia did the best he could to anyway; he fell right backwards in his attempt to lift his front paws. The axe holding pink Pokémon seemed to ignore us, resting her axe on her back once she was in range to swipe us with it.

"That doesn't matter to me, darling. I've seen too many little ones say the same thing, and then come back a minute later with some dubious plan to get me," she admitted. "This catch is mine. If you really mean to flee, then go in the other direction."

Mimia nudged me for some reason, pointing forwards. I faced the Pokémon unsurely and slowly lowered my wings, wrapping my sword back up again. "We need to go that way though. It's super important."

"Then I'm sorry, but it'll have to be through me. I'd like to be able to enjoy breakfast in relaxation," she sighed, pulling her axe into ready.

"She's not listening!" Shelly whimpered, stumbling backwards.

"Please, we don't want-"

"Wait what?" the pink Pokémon gasped, almost dropping her weapon. We all silenced and stared back, although my heart was now beginning to speed up in expectation of a bad battle. Thanks to her huge eyes and the darkness of the area, I couldn't tell what exactly she was staring at, but it was definitely something in our direction. I started sweating and dared to glance behind me, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. Shelly and Mimia were just as tense it seemed, but they both went back to hiding behind me.

"No no, don't go hiding!" the Pokémon begged. Mimia and Shelly awkwardly revealed themselves, and she started blushing brightly. "I don't believe it... I... I'm..."

"... What's going on...?" I asked in warning. The pink Pokémon hung her axe on her back again and posed girlishly, playing with her hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm just captivated! I didn't think something like this could happen to someone like me... I'm overwhelmed. What's your name, you cute little thing?" she asked, giggling at us. I slowly turned to my allies, realising that Mimia wouldn't reply normally.

"He... doesn't talk much. But its Mimia," I answered, putting a wing on my hip. Mimia pointed to himself in surprise, to which the pink Pokémon pouted angrily.

"Not you, you're too burly to be considered cute. The adorable little guy with the blue leaf!" she corrected.

"M-me?" Shelly coughed, blushing as well.

"Yes, you! I always thought love at first sight was a myth, but here I am losing my mind over you. My heart is actually fluttering..." the girl smiled, breathing heavily. "I suppose I can't just... no, I can't let this go. You'll be with me, won't you?"

"Oh brother," I sighed, shaking my head. I lowered my voice. "Shelly, she'll let us pass if you play along, though."

"Oh don't bother with that. If you two are his friends, then you're friends of mine," the Pokémon interrupted, shocking me that she even heard me. "So what's the issue that you need to pass? Let me help, anything to get to know you!"

One look back at Shelly unveiled that he had gone completely red and had somehow lost his voice. For some reason, I was surprised to see him this way, even though the teachers and knights at school hinted that it happened so often. Still, this huge pink woman falling head over heels for him despite being several times his height and size was a weird situation, no?

"The cliff somehow broke when we were crossing a bridge at the top. We got separated from the rest of our group," I informed. "That's why we're passing through here. We're hoping there's a way back up the cliff over there. We don't want to bother you... whatever you're doing."

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