Episode 22: Omen

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Author's note: this chapter contains a link to a song that is used in the chapter. It is not imperative to listen to it, but playing the song with the correct timing is recommended. The song begins at the bgeinning of the third paragraph (Esther's first lyrics) and is cut off at 2:41 (where Esther is actually interrupted).


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Silence had fallen, and all eyes were latched to the stage now. Shelly and Kusha were sat amongst the pokemon on the bottom row of seats, sharing a chair whilst holding each other's hands. Lucca and Azeth were sat beside each other as well, resisting doing the same in anticipation of this great undertaking. The duo was sat forward in their seats though, with smiles stretched across their faces.

Once the Ribombee was certain that he was free to start, he took centre stage and then raised his staff like a conductors baton, to which the orchestra also raised their instruments in preparation to play. Esther was directly in front of him and raised her hands to a prayer position, whilst Phoenix raised his wand and lit it.

"You, are the ocean's, grey waves," Esther sung softly, signalling the start of the song. Ribombee looked intense, but got to work on commanding the orchestra with vigorous movements. As their song began, Phoenix began to use one of his fiery magic tricks as well, surrounding the Pikachu and other pokemon in thin, symbolic swirls of fire. The streams of fire that made up the swirls bounced and fluttered as if dancing to the proceeding song, mostly gathered around Esther, who sang and danced with them. It surrounded the whole show in a mystical glow of glitter, embers, and the illusive image of many of the pokemon flying into the air.

Meanwhile, all but two in the audience were entranced by the spectacle. For Lucca, the music was triggering something, something that had turned his smile into a gaping frown that was almost foaming. He was leaned forward clutching the back of the seat in front of him, appearing as though he was trying his hardest not to lose consciousness. Barely a gurgle sound escaped him, while his body spasmed so much that he kept losing his balance on his tail.

"Lucca?" Azeth whispered, becoming frightened at just watching him. He suddenly growled and grinded his teeth together so hard it looked like it hurt, holding back a roar of agony.


"Sing, with me, a song, of birthrights and love, the light, scatters to the sky above," Esther carried on, being lifted magically through the air. Her once cute attire had been transformed into a beautiful, magical dream thanks to Phoenix's magic. I had no idea how I looked, but this was one view I was going to burn into my memory for life.

"Alright, that's enough of that," Megan announced to herself, sounding completely different than usual. Her low tone flicked my concern into critical right away, and she didn't hesitate to make that necessary. With a growl and a brace, she flared up her back and charged towards the stage on all fours, ignoring the rest of our gasps.

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