Intermission: The night before

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Alver huffed unhealthily, continuing to exert himself by flying at top speed, not looking twice in any direction. Not that he needed to anyway, he had learnt his way to his king's new base of operations off by heart, a room fit for royalty within the shining warrior's sword. Its halls constantly glistened with lurid white, decorated so thickly in the colour that upcoming walls, the ceiling, and floor, couldn't be differentiated from each other. If it wasn't for the rectangular windows letting in natural light, navigating the place would be like walking through a maze with invisible walls.

"My lord! My lord please, I require your presence!" he called out once he reached his destination. He stopped at the top of a small staircase in the middle of a huge room, gawking as he found himself staring at a curiously marked wall. "Er... your throne... my lord, my lord? Where are you?"

He was answered by the sudden appearance of countless specs of water in the air, which slowly gathered together to create a figure of water. It didn't take long for that figure to take proper form as FinVarra, but the Primarina seemed to be glowing with a lot more energy than usual, so much that it practically blinded Alver.

"You are interrupting me..." FinVarra warned, keeping his long hands stretched out to his sides. He was standing on his tail, looming tall over Alver.

"My lord, the worst has happened... Lucca, the time and space swords have attuned to him. He broke my time shield and rendered me vulnerable! I almost didn't escape!" He reported, continuing to bow.

"So he has the blades, Izanami and Izanagi? Then it is only a matter of time before they arrive..." FinVarra replied, not even looking at his subordinate. He spoke slowly and calmly, but each breath was rough and low, resembling a growl. "All is as it should be. Let them come."

"All is as it... my lord, if they kill me, your control over the beasts will release! The war will be lost!" Alver warned. FinVarra started laughing at him.

"You are almost like an innocent child at times. Do you truly believe that I gave you full control over the army of beasts? That it was your Pollen Puff invoking them?" FinVarra challenged. Alver didn't answer, but looked up in dismay. "I will give you another time shield... so make sure that you give them a warm welcome."

"I would rather enact my revenge for that embarrassing display, my lord. They had me running like an insect, a pest!" he shouted. "Allow me to take Guzzlord. I won't fail at making them regret the day they ever chose to stand up to me!"

"Alver," FinVarra said plainly, silencing him by staring right down at him. "You failed when you used Kartana, did you not?"

"I... I did, but I underestimated them, my lord. I promise you, it will not-"

"And your sceptre is missing... did you leave that behind?" the Primarina added. Alver didn't reply this time, so FinVarra returned his gaze to the ceiling. His hair started to flow in several strands, glowing with the watery particles he originally appeared in. "Very well. You may take Guzzlord... but you are not to leave Dein Nomos."

"My lord?" Alver dared to speak. A loud crash behind him took his attention, and the very monster they were talking about was stood right behind him.

"But you will get your revenge under my terms," FinVarra ordered, staring back down at Alver. His eyes flashed.

"Wa-wait! My lord, no!" Alver screamed.


"Excuse me for this, but... that can't be it. At least write down the lyrics or something so I can learn them overnight?" Lucca groaned.

"No need. Believe me, you know them better than you think already," Esther giggled, waggling a finger at him. "Sing from the heart, and everything will go exactly as you want it."

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