Episode 13: Inspiration! The sixth shining warrior

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After learning more about Lucca and Mimia, the whole world seemed to slow down for me, as if time itself was steadily slowing to a stop around me. I wound up trying to put myself to an early sleep, to which Lucca decided it would be best to keep me company for whatever reason. He didn't say anything at all during that lengthy time, only showing concern whenever I tossed and turned or changed positions in the bed. That was until Megan came and dragged him off, shouting something about training and fighting, naturally.

Shelly returned from shopping as well, lifting my spirits a little with his surprisingly helpful shopping results. He had gotten everything we needed and more, whilst still retaining a good amount of gald somehow. He even managed to pick up a new map for me, one that was the exact same make as the one I had that got drenched by the river. He snuck off to his own room at the earliest opportunity however, leaving me alone once the sky had become dark.

"No good... I can't sleep..." I murmured groggily to myself, eventually getting up. I already felt like I had been in bed for days, even though it was probably only half of one. Kneeling up on my hands allowed me to see that Megan had come back from whatever she was doing and was snoring away in the other bed in the room, sprawled out on her back and half covered by her blanket. I couldn't help but giggle a little, pulling the blanket over her fully before sneaking my way out for good.

"Sounds like the boys are fast asleep too..." I confirmed, trying to listen in on their room for a while. There was no sound, so I left the inn to explore.

Now that I was out and alone again, I started to get the nostalgic feelings I felt when I first arrived here. It felt like it had been a long time since I had some laid back time alone like this, where I could just sit back, stretch, and appreciate all the little pleasures of casual village life. Cerulean Village worked just as clockwork as Lillistep, becoming virtually lifeless once the sun went down and the sky turned black. A few warm lights flickered from open windows and there were a few other Pokémon finishing up on their work, but that was it. I could feel myself smiling at it all, choosing to stop at the top of a staircase that overlooked a small part of the village. There, I leaned on a stone wall and just stared up at the stars for a while.

"Just gimme a minute!" someone growled from somewhere below, getting my attention. A fire type Pokémon emerged from a pub nearby, quickly losing his speech to the nasty sound of throwing up. Another Pokémon came to his aid from the same building, this one a Chansey that gave his back a well needed rub.

"Sir, are you alright? I think you've had a little too much to drink," she said motherly. The fire type brushed her aside, trying to stomp his way back into the pub.

"Nonsense! Ti-time for round two!" he gurgled, spitting out a bit more.

"I'm sorry, but it's best for you to head home now," Chansey suggested, managing to direct him away. I looked away and almost spat out myself, now having full view of the nasty mess he'd made.

"Seems like those fire types are all a nasty bunch, huh? Goes without saying that they're all connected to that Bestia Trio thing," a woman's voice interrupted my thoughts. It took a few seconds for my mind to click at where the voice had come from, and I gripped my scarf with both hands.

"A-Angel, is that you?" I gasped, holding it up to my face. "What the hell took you so long? I've been waiting forever for you!"

"Ouch, hey hey mind the shouting, will ya?" Angel squealed, flying out of the scarf. I had forgotten how obscenely massive she was, with a face as big as my body. "And what about it? What've I done, I've just been asleep the whole time!"

"Exactly, what's up with that? You drag us all out on some important journey and then drop to bed while we still have a hundred questions!" I shouted.

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