3 - I Loose The Baby Halfway Through The Pregnancy

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I was still pregnant with our baby and I decided to go in for an ultrasound to see how far along I was and Scotty was called off of a tour to come and support me. When we walked into the hospital, I got into the bed and had some medicine put on my belly and then a camera ran over my belly so that Scotty and I can see the baby. The ultrasound tech looked at us with a concerned look in his eyes. All he said was, "The baby is gone. We lost the baby. I'm sorry." I looked at my husband and was crying by now. He looked at me and said, "Honey, you tried. We tried. Again, I'm very sorry that our baby is gone." All I was thinking of was a song called, "Hevan Took An Angel Home" and I started crying because our baby was gone, but then I smiled and looked up at the ceiling of my hospital room and thought, You are with The Lord, your dad and I will never forget you, your were our angel while inside of me. You will never be forgotten. We will be with you when our time comes. We love you and always will. You will be your dad and I foreer in our hearts and your spirit will be with us. Dad and I love you very much. After that, Scotty and I went home, we sat down in the kitchen and he said, "Honey, I'm sorry. I know that the baby was inside of you, but we lost her and it was too late. I'm sorry. We have to tell Kimberly, alright? You okay, hey, it's alright." I was crying at this point. He took me in his arms and said, "HOney, she's in a better place." He came up behind me and I felt something going around my neck and I said, "Oh, that tickles, stop honey." "I'm almost done, am I tickling you, I'm sorry." I looked at him and asked, "What did you put around my neck? What is it?" "Look in the mirror, you'll find out." I looked in the mirror and almost cried at what was hanging around my neck, a Cross necklace just like my husband's. He looked at me and said, "I know you believe in The Lord as much as I do. So this is to show my love for you and for our Heavenly Father up in Heaven watching over our family." I kissed him to say thank you and then it was very late and so we both went to bed.

Early the next morning, my husband got up and made his coffee for the morning. I got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen and saw that my husband was at the kitchen table drinking his coffee and reading the morning paper. I walked up behind him and gave me a morning kiss and said, Morning honey, I love you." He turned around and told me, "ehre, take a seat on my knee, you won't hurt me, promise." I sat down and then he started singing, "For Once In My Life" in my ear. While he was singing, I put my head on his shoulder and started to cry, not huge sobs, just quiet tears. He kissed me and said, "Hey, put that head up, you're fine." I looked at him with a tear-stained face and manged to say, "No I'm not, again, taht was beautiful." He moved my hear away from my eyes, kissed me on the forehead and said, "That song was for you, angel." I looked at him and asked, "Are you sure?" "Absolutely I am!" He kissed me on the lips and then there were still more tears and so he kissed them away. Once we were both dressed and ready for the day, he told me, "Well, I have to go into the studio and record. Hope you are okay without me. Are you going to be okay without me at home?" After he left, I went back into the house and relaxed.

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