4 - Scotty And I Talk About Adopting A Baby

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Since Scotty and I lost our baby that I was pregnant with, we discussed on adopting a baby and doing an international adoption. So we sat in the family room to discuss on adopting a baby and so Scotty asked, "Darlin' where would you like to adopt from since we're doing an international adoption?" "I think we should do an international adoption from overseas, meaning across the globe. I would like to adopt from Haiti. Is that alright with you?" "Anything for you, angel. At least Kimberly will have a sibling." "You're right about that." So we made plans to adopt from Haiti. So then Scotty and I went to the airport and Scotty boarded a plane for Haiti. When Scotty was settled on the plane, Scotty called his parents to speak with our daughter and so when Kimberly got on the line, she said, "Hi Daddy, what's going on?" He responded with, "It's a surprise, sweetheart. You'll have to wait and see, just be patient." So then about  3 weeks later, Scotty packed up his bags to go to the airport, I hugged him for a long time and whispered, "I love you so much, angel. Be safe out there and bring home our new baby who we were adopting from Haiti. Once we arrived at the airport, I hugged him for a long time and whispered, "I love you so much, angel. Be safe out there and bring home our baby safe and sound. Remember that The Lord is with you, on the plane, in Haiti, and on the way home." After a kiss good-bye, he got onto the plane and headed on over to Haiti to pick up our new baby.

As soon as he got off of the plane, he walked over to a shelter that had our new baby in it that he was going to pick up and bring our new baby home with him.  So he stopped in front of an adoption agency and went in and asked the woman, "I'm here to pick up my new baby. This is for my wife and I." "Right this way, sir, what is your new baby's name so that I can look it up?" "The name of the baby is Jose." "Okay, he's right this way, you'll have to meet him and I've seen him, he's darling." So then he walked with the lady and they walked in a room and saw our new baby boy, Jose. The baby was being fed and then Scotty walked over to our new baby and bent down and asked the lady who was feeding him, "Ma'am, may I feed him?" "Absolutely sir. Go on. Have a great time. Congratulations to you and your family." So then Scotty lifted up his new son, Jose and rocked him and sang to him. The song that he sang to our new baby was a song that he sang to me and it was called, "Can I Trust You With My Heart." While he sang that song, Jose fell asleep in his new dad's arms and by the time Scotty was done singing, Jose was fast asleep in his new dad's arms, snuggled up against his shoulder. After he was done singing that song, he sang another song and that song was called, "You've Got A Friend." While he was singing that song, Jose was still sleeping and so Scotty put him down for a nap. While our son was down for a nap, he came into the kitchen and I was making some dinner for the two of us, he walked over to me and whispered, "He's down for his nap right now. " I brought dinner over to the kitchen table and he asked, "What did you make for dinner?" "I made some ham sandwiches." "Oh yum, I love those. I can help with putting something on the table if you need me to? May I help you?" "No, thank you, I'm fine." As soon as he sat down, I brought the food over to the table and then he saw Kimberly racing downstairs and she asked, "Did I miss dinner?" Scotty looked up at her and said, "No, we were about to sit down and pray. I was just about to say grace. Let's hold hands while I say grace." Scotty said grace, "Heavenly Father, please bless this food that we are about to share. Bless my whole family, my wife and children are everything to me, especially my son, Jose who we adopted from Haiti. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." While we ate dinner, Scotty fed our baby while Kimberly and I ate from our dinner plates. After dinner, I did the dishes and Scotty said to Kimberly, "Sweetheart, go up and get your shower  so that I can get your brother  showered too." "Okay Daddy, I will." After Kimberly was showered, Scotty took Jose up to give him a bath and while he was being bathed, Scotty sang to Jose while he was being washed. The song that Scotty sang to his son was called, "Amazed." After Scotty sang that song, our son was getting sleepy and so then Scotty put him down for an afternoon nap and he watched T.V. and I ironed our clothes and our daughter went over to a friends house.

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