16 - I Get Admitted To The Hospital

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One day Scotty decided to go on to a talk show and talk about what he had been up to. I had to stay home with our children, so when he got up, he got dressed and then gave me a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "Alright, sweetheart, I'm off. I have to go to a talk show to do an interview." So then he went into the kids rooms and gave them both a kiss good-bye. After he left the kids room, he went downstairs and went outside. While he was driving to the talk show, he turned on the radio and the song that was playing was called, "Five More Minutes", a song that he had recently wrote. While listening to it, he thought, I wish I could have five more minutes with my wife and children. When he came home, he ran into my arms and started giving me kisses all over my face. When we broke the embrace, he looked at me and said, "Alright, honey, I'm off to my interview now. Love you. Take care of yourself and the children while I'm gone." "I will, honey. Love you." So he hopped in his car and headed on down the road to the interview.

At The Interview:

First he shook the interviewer's hand and then sat down. Then the interview started.

Interviewer: Hello Scotty, how are you?

Scotty: Doing fine, sir.

Interviewer: So, first question, do you have any new songs that you are writing?

Scotty: Yes! I do! I'll have a new album coming out fairly soon.

Interviewer: When will the new album be released?

Scotty: Hopefully in the next couple months or so.

Interviewer: Well, that's good. How is the book coming along?

Scotty: It's finished!

Interviewer: That's great! When will it be available in bookstores?

Scotty: Hopefully soon.

Interviewer: Do you have anyone watching from home today?

Scotty: Yes, I do. My wife and my children.

Interviewer: Well, I'm glad to hear that you have supporters watching you from home.

Scotty: Yes, my wife is everything to me.

Interviewer: That's very sweet! Well, Scotty, thank you for taking the time to sit down and chat with us about all that has been going on with you.

Scotty: You're welcome. Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: You're very welcome. Have a great day!

Scotty: You too, sir. After that the interview was over, Scotty and the interviewer stood up and shook hands. The interviewer told him, "Hey Scotty, tell your wife that I said hello." "Will do, sir." So then he left and got in his car and drove home. When he got home, he walked in the door, took off his coat, hung it up and then walked into the kitchen and saw me sitting at the kitchen table watching T.V. The kids were already downstairs at the kitchen table. So Scotty and I sat down with the children and so after grace was said, we started eating. After dinner was done, I did the dishes and Scotty gave the kids their baths and then put them to bed. When dishes were done, I came up to the kids room and gave both of them a kiss goodnight. We walked out of our kids' room and went into our bedroom and went to sleep.

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