20 - There Is Funeral For Me

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It had been two years since my passing and Scotty had to get funeral plans in order for my funeral. When it was time for my funeral, Scotty told Kimberly, "Baby, get dressed in something pretty, alright?" "Okay Daddy, this is for Mommy, after all. Wish she was here with us." "I know, angel, but she's looking down on all of us. She's not gone by any means, she's still with us." He kissed her on the forehead and went into our bedroom and got dressed. After he was dressed, he got Jose dressed also. When they were all dressed, they got in the car and drove to the church. My casket was already up in the front of the church. When Scotty walked down the aisle, he stopped in front of my casket and placed a kiss on my old forehead and whispered, "I love you and we'll be together in the Heavenly Kingdom with the Lord when He calls me home." When the funeral started, the priest asked Scotty, "Sir, would you like to come up and speak about your wife?" "Yes sir, thank you so much." When he stood up, he turned his head and tears fell from his eyes. When he got up front to speak he said, "My wife was my best friend and always will be, she gave me two wonderful children, Kimberly and Jose. She is with us from when her and I got married until two years ago when she passed away and went up with our Lord, I felt like a part of my life is gone with her not here. She is always with me and will never be forgotten." AFter his speech, he sat down and buried his face in his father's shoulder. His father looked at him and said, "Son, she is in a much better place than we are. You'll see her again, I promise you that." "Alright Dad, if you say that, I believe in you, knowing that I'll see her again, someday up in Heaven." "That's my boy, remember to be strong for her and the children, knowing that you have to take care of them from now on." "Yes sir, I understand completely." Scotty performed my favorite song that he loved to sing and it was called, "When You Say Nothing At All." After he sang he sent a kiss up to Heaven for me since this song was for me and ONLY ME! Another song that he sang at my funeral was called, "Please Remember Me" because he wanted to remember me for as long as he lived on this Earth. After my funeral, I was buried at the cemetery and a prayer was said by the preacher and then after his prayer Scotty said a prayer while he held Jose tight in his arms, his prayer was as follows: Heavenly Father, keep my children and I safe while You watch over my wife knowing she's with You forever until YOu call me home to Your Heavenly Kingdom. He did the sign of the Cross to end his prayer.

After they got home, it was around lunch time and so Scotty cooked lunch for the kids While they ate lunch, the phone rang, Scotty got up to answer it while juggling Jose in his arms. The phone call was his sister, Ashley. Here is their conversation:

Scotty: Hey Ashley, how are you?

Ashley: Fine, just fine, how are the kids doing?

Scotty: Oh fine, Kimberly's eating and I"m feeding Jose his bottle right now.

Ashley: Can I talk to Kimberly real quick?

Scotty: Sure. Kimberly it's for you. It's Aunt Ashley.

Kimberly: Hi Aunt Ashley, how are you?

Ashley: Fine, Kimberly, just fine, how are you?

Kimberly: I'm okay, just sad that Mommy's gone.

Ashley: Kimberly, listen to me, she is still with you in your heart and your mind.

Kimberly: That's the same thing that DAddy told me.

Ashley: Well, he's absolutely right. Well, I have to go, hand me back to your dad so that I can say good-bye. I love you, angel. Aunt Ashley loves you so much, Kimberly.

After she got off the phone with Ashley she handed the phone to her dad and said,

"Daddy, your sister wants to say good-bye to you." He got on the phone and said to Ashley:

Scotty: Good-bye Ashley, I love you so much. Is Mom and Dad there so that I can say good-bye to them?

Ashley: Yes, they're right here.

He sent a kiss through the phone to Ashley and she went one back to him and then his parents got on the phone to say good-bye to him.

Scotty's Dad: Son, it's Dad, good-bye son, have a great day and Merry Christmas to you and the kids.

Scotty: Okay Dad, thank you, we will. I love you too, Dad.

Scotty's Mom: Scotty, it's Mom, good-bye sweetheart, have a great holiday. Merry Christmas to you and the kids. Just remember that Kelly is with you. IF you need us for anything at all, don't hesitate to call, you know that. I love you, honey. Give the kids a kiss for me.

Scotty: Alright, I will, Mom. I love you so much. Merry Christmas to you too.

After he hung up the phone he put the kids to bed. He went to bed himself and prayed to the Lord. Lord, please keep the kids and I safe and please keep my wife up in Heaven. I love you Lord. After his prayer, he did the sign of the Cross to end it. Since it was late, he cooked dinner for the kids and himself. Once they all sat down at the table he said grace, "Heavenly Father, please keep my children and I safe her on Earth and keep my wife safe in Your arms up in Heaven. Amen." AFter dinner, the kids and Scotty went to bed. The next morning it was Christmas day and so Kimberly ran down the steps went to bed. The next morning it was Christmas day and so Kimberly ran down the steps to the Christmas tree to see if there were any presents under the tree and there were tons. The first gifts that were opened were ones that were for Scotty and he got some more plaid shirts from Kimberly, but Jose didn't give him anything because he was still too little. Kimberly got her dad's new Christmas CD and she said to Scotty, "I GOT YOUR NEW CHRISTMAS CD, DADDY!" "I know you did. When you're done listening to it let me know what's your favorite Christmas song on there, alright?" "Okay, I will."

After the gifts were opened up and cleaned up, it was Jose's naptime and so Scotty put him down for a nap and told Kimberly, "Sweetheart, go outside and play while I watch over she want outside to play in the snow and had fun. Scotty listened to songs that were my favorites and it brought back memories of when I was still alive, it even brought tears to his eyes and all he could think about and look at were pictures of the four of us as a complete family.

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