5 - Scotty And I Adopt A Baby From Haiti

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Scotty and I were at home with our new baby, Jose. While we were at home with our new baby, Kimberly got to hold her new brother and she lovedd it. She looked at me and asked, "Mommy, may I hold him?" "Of course." So then I handed Kimberly her baby brother and then I told Scotty, "Honey, watch them while I go up out to the store to get a few things, alright?" "Alright, I'll watch them for you. I love you." Then I gave him a kiss and said to Kimberly, "Look at Mommy, behave for Daddy while I'm gone, okay?" "Okay Mommy." So then while I was gone, Scotty made Kimberly made some lunch and while she at her lunch, he checked his e-mails and talked to a few of his friends. While he was downstairs he heard Jose cry and so he got up and went upstairs to see what was wrong with our son. When Scotty got to his room, he picked our son and brought him downstairs and fed him his afternoon bottle. While he was being fed, Scotty sang to him. The song that he sang to our son was called, "Amazed." While our baby was being fed, I came in and sneaked up behind my husband to give him a kiss and I scared him. He almost dropped Jose and then I heard Jose scream, I took him in my arms and said, "Mommy's sorry, baby. I'm sorry that I scared you." He still cried and while I calmed him down, Scotty glared at me and said, "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE HIM DO!" "I'm sorry, honey, I just wanted to say hi to you both. I'm very sorry for scaring our new little one." Scotty took our son in his arms and rocked him and then he said to Jose, "Daddy's sorry, son. I won't make you cry anymore." He put the pacifier in Jose's mouth so that he wouldn't start crying again.

Around six o'clock, I went to the kitchen, I made dinner for my husband, my daughter and myself. When we were settled at the table, Kimberly picked her fork up and started to eat. Scotty looked at her and said, "Kimberly, sweetheart, we need to pray first. I know you're hungry, but please let us pray and then you can eat as you please, alright angel. This will only take a minute." So then we all joined hands and Scotty said a prayer, "Heavenly Father, please bless this meal that my family and I will be sharing amongst ourselves. Bless my wife and my children, they are everything to me. I would not have gotten married and had my family without You Lord by my side. Thank you Lord for being there for me in the good times and bad. Bless my wife and I in the years to come and help our children grow into healthy adults. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." After grace, we picked up our forks and ate dinner that I cooked. While we ate, Kimberly began speaking to us with her mouth full and she said, "Daddy, this food is delicious." He looked at her and said, "Sweetheart, swallow what you have in your mouth before you speak, remember what your mother and I taught you about manners. Remember that, angel?" "Oh right, sorry Daddy. Sorry to make you mad." "Oh, I'm not mad, angel. I just wanted to tell you that, that's all." After dinner, we all went to bed since it was late.

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