18 - Scotty Has To Go On With Life Without Me

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It had been a year since I passed away and Scotty tried to go on without me and one morning Kimberly came in and saw Daddy crying. She went over to him and put her hand on his leg, jumped up onto his leg and he put his arm around her. He put his head up and wiped away his tears. She looked at him and asked, "Daddy, what's wrong, why are you crying?" "I miss her." "You miss who, Daddy?" He wiped away more tears and blew his nose and told her, "I miss your mother, baby girl. I know that you miss her also, don't you?" "Yes, I miss Mommy, but she's in Heaven looking down on us. Stay strong for her, Jose and I." "I will try to stay strong for your mother, you and your brother." Scotty had talked to his parents about funeral plans for me and for my funeral. Scotty walked into his parents house in tears and his mom looked at her son.


Scotty: in tears: Mom, Kelly is GONE!

Scotty's Mom: Honey, she is still with you in your heart and mind

Scotty: I can't go on without her by my side.

Scotty's Dad: Son, yes you can. I believe in you.

Scotty: Okay Dad, if you say so. I'll try to go on.

Scotty's Dad: That's my boy, I love you, son. Tell the grandkids hi from your mother and I. Alright?

Scotty: I will. Love you, Dad.

Scotty's Dad: Love you too, son.

Then he hung up the phone and walked over to Kimberly. He got down on his knees and put his arms around Kimberly. She looked at him and said, "I love you too, Daddy." "I love you too, angel." Then it was around dinnertime, so he went to the kitchen and cooked dinner for the two of them.

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