8 - We Name Our Baby After My Husband

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The baby that I I just gave birth to, we decided to make name our new baby after my husband. While I was in the family room, I was ironing some clothes and the baby was in his playpen playing with some toys. Just then I looked up and saw my husband standing in the doorway. Scotty walked over to his son, picked him up and said, "Hello son, Daddy's back, I'm here." Scotty picked up our son, cradled him in his arms, got his bottle and gave him a feeding. While our son was being fed, his dad sang to him, the song that he sang was called, "I Love You This Big." When he got to the chorus our son started to cry. Scotty looked at his son and said, "Hush son, it's alright. Hush shh." Then he put his son on his shoulder to burp him and his son got sick all over him. So then Scotty came over to me and said, "Honey, please take him a minute." I asked why and he said, "He got sick all over me and I have to go to clean myself up, I'll be right back." The I heard him mutter to himself. Yuck! That was disgusting! I decided to put him to bed right away since he was sick. After I put him to bed and went downstairs and saw my husband reading a book. I sat next to him and gave him a kiss and said, "Hi Honey. Reading a book I see. May I sit with you?" "Of course, angel." He sat down next to me and opened up his book and began to read. I looked over at his book and asked, "What are you reading?" "It's a book that I wrote. Would you like to read it?" "Yes, please." He gave me the book that he was reading and I read it. While I was reading it, I got a teary-eyed and Scotty looked at me and asked, "Honey, why are you crying? What's the matter?" I sniffled and said, "Oh nothing, honey. I'm alright." I blew my nose and told him, "Really I'm fine." "You sure, honey?" "Yes, I'm sure." After that, it was around dinnertime, so I went to the kitchen and cooked dinner.

Around dinnertime, we sat down with the children and started to say grace and when Scotty spotted Kimberly picking up her fork and he said sternly, but gently, "Fork down, hands folded, grace first, then eat." "Alright Daddy. I love you." "I love you too, angel." Then he kissed her on the forehead and we loved our heads and he said grace, "Heavenly Father, please bless this food that my family are about to share. I pray that You will continue to give me many more blessings including my family, my wife and my young children. My band, they are the people who I love to be around, thank you Lord for blessing me with a great band and an amazing wife and beautiful children. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." While we ate, we talked about our plans for the next day and Scotty told me that he was going into the studio to record. After dinner, I washed the dishes and Scotty gave the kids their baths and then put them to bed and read them a bedtime story. I came up and looked in and he was reading Kimberly a bedtime story and then she fell asleep. Then he covered her up with the blankets, kissed her on the forehead, whispered in his ear, "Love you, angel. Sleep well." Then we went to bed. After I was in bed and cover up with the blankets, he got down on his knees and prayed, "Heavenly Father, please continue to bless my family. My wife and our children are gifts from You Lord, so thank you for those beautiful gifts in my life. It's You Lord that have brought my wife and I together through loving You Lord from up in Your Heavenly kingdom, my wife and children will be on me." After his prayer, he did the sign of the Cross and got under the covers. He got in bed and pulled me close and kissed me. Then he sang "Unchained Melody" in his ear and I turned around and had tears in my eyes. I told him, "I love you too, honey. Goodnight, sleep well." He sang it again and we both fell asleep.

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