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You were the new makeup artist that was hired barely two hours prior because one of the other cosmetologists had an immediate family emergency that had to tend to

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You were the new makeup artist that was hired barely two hours prior because one of the other cosmetologists had an immediate family emergency that had to tend to. To say you were anxious was an understatement as you were pretty sure that if your heart started to beat any faster than it already was, it'd leap out of your chest. Given that you were accepted into the job position at the very last minute, you had little time to prepare yourself and that factor only heightened your nervousness and uncertainty.

"Relax, Y/N, you're going to do fine." Your new coworker, Raven, said while patting you on the shoulder lightly.

"B-but how do you know that? I just started, today no less, and I don't even know who these girls are let alone what supplies I need." You stammered over your words in a panicky tone. "Like, do I have the right color of makeup to go with their skin? Do I need to fix up her hair? Does she wear lipstick? Do-"

"Y/N!" Raven interrupted your rambling, causing you to break out of your stupor and look at her. "Listen, I promise you that you're going to do just fine." She paused for a moment as if thinking. "You know what? You're going to do better than fine, you're going to do terrific. Now, I'll inform you of some need to know things, okay?"

You just nodded, taking a deep breath to try and calm your nerves.

"The girls that we're about to put makeup on are apart of a band called Fifth Harmony. The music video that they'll be shooting is Miss Movin' On and it's basically about getting over a bad break up so the look that you're going to want to go for is strong willed, new and improved, got it?"

"Yes." You sighed out in relief as you finally got some kind of understanding. The man that had hired you for this job didn't really explain much except the name of the girl you were going to touch up before he shooed you away to get your things ready. "Thank you, Raven. I really appreciate this."

The woman smiled at you kindly, "No problem, Y/N. I've was once in your spot too. We all were." Raven's smile shifted into a teasing grin, "Besides, don't just think I did this for you. I did it for me as well. Your nervousness was killing my vibe."

You two shared a friendly laugh.

"Yeah," Justin, another artist chimed in. You had almost forgotten he was there because he was so silent. "Besides, the girls are extremely nice and I'm sure that they'll treat you just as well as they treat us."

You nodded at the male, "Okay, good. The past celebrities I've worked with were always snobby towards me."

"Do you know who you're doing?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, I think her name's Karla or something." You said, racking your brain to remember.

Justin snorted loudly.

"What?" You asked, looking at him confused.

"I wouldn't call her that if I were you." Raven said, explaining what was going on.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What? Then what should I call her?"

"She goes by-"

"The girls are here," One of the producers said, peeking their head in through the flap of the tent of where you guys were located. "Please have them out in five minutes or less. We need to get this shooting done." They walked away.

Raven and Justin immediately got ready, grabbing a wet wash cloth in their hands.

"Wait!" You said. "What should I call her?"

Before anybody could answer, five young women came in all taking a chair in front of their stylist. A brunette haired woman sat in front of you, looking at you in slight surprise and unrecognition but overall with expectancy. You could tell she was pretty short from the small amount of time you had seeing her standing up, no more than 5'3 you'd say. She had sparkling brown eyes and tanned skin. Her face was round and held a bit of baby fat to them but you still though she was beautiful.

Shit. You thought to yourself. I don't know her name and I can't call her Karla for some reason. Okay, just play it off Y/N. Act like you're in your element. 

"Where's Shelly?" The girl asked, knocking you out of your thoughts.

"She- um, had a family emergency." You explained as you started your work on her.

"Oh." She said.

You didn't say anything as you started to feel a bit shy.

"What's your name?" The brunette spoke up again.

"Y/N." You answered.

"I like that name," She said. Although the statement was so simple, it still caused your heart to flutter a little and heat to rise to your cheeks.

"T-thank you," You stuttered out bashfully.

You couldn't deny that she was definitely nice on the eyes.

"Well thank you, Y/N." She said.

"Huh?" You asked confused. What did she mean?

"Thanks for saying I'm 'nice on the eyes'." She said, smiling.

Your eyes widened in realization. You had said that out loud.

"You're, uh, welcome..." You said, not meeting her eyes.

"I'm Camila." She introduced herself.

Ah, so that's what her name is.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, miss."

The brown eyed woman grinned wildly at you, giving you a wink and flexed the collar of her button up polka dot shirt. You normally would've thought that someone would look bad in such a tacky shirt but on her? You thought she looked good.

Trust me, the pleasures all mine. I do hope you'll be working with us for a while, Y/N.

a/n: a little fetus fifth harmony one because my heart still breaks a little when i have to refer to fifth harmony and camila cabello as separate pop arists

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