15 || q.p. #34

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q.p. (quote prompt) #34

you were peacefully sleeping in your bed, dreams of calmness and tranquility passing through your head. the stress you felt from college and your parents washed away as if they didn't even exist. it was saturday, and that meant it was a day to sleep in, a day to rest your weary mind, and a day to be spent with your girlfriend, camila cabello. in the midst of your sleeping, you could still feel the softness of the blankets, the fluff of your pillows, and the nearly perfect cushioning of your mattress... but what was missing? despite the morning sunlight beating down on you from your bedroom window and the sheets stacked upon you, the bed still felt cold. empty like.

where was camila?

your hand subconsciously moved on its own, feeling around for the warmth of your girlfriend's body to confide in. it felt nothing but a bare mattress and pillows. your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you slowly gained your senses and came to consciousness. you gradually sat up, opening your eyes and glancing around the vacant room.

well, this was weird. you were alone. a very rare thing to experience, especially on a day you had off with camila. the brown haired girl would usually be laying next to you, sleeping.

"camila?" your voice rang out, still groggy with sleepiness.

no answer came from the girl you called out for.

"camila?" you tried again, your voice more clear.

the reply was still the same, silence. where could she be? she couldn't have strayed away that far.... right? where would she go on a saturday morning?

throughout your thinking and worrying, the smell of something burning started to fill your nose.

"what the-"

the loud blaring sound of the smoke detector was next to follow, cutting off your speech.

"shit!" a familiar voice cried out from downstairs in exasperation.

you sat on your bed, blinking. what the heck was going on?

"aw, come on, come on, come on, please be okay." the same voice said.

then it clicked. you figured out what your wonderful yet foolish girlfriend was trying to do. a smile graced your lips as your chuckled to yourself. you shook your head, closing your eyes briefly at the thought of what the brown eyed girl was doing. you then swung your legs out from in front of you and over the side of the bed. your unclothed feet touched the cold, bare floor. you made your way out the comfort of your bedroom and down the stairs when you stood.

when you got to the threshold of the room that was occupied by camila, you leaned on the wall, staring bemusedly yet with amusement at the sight before you. the 5'2 cuban was running about the kitchen, trying to stop the smoke from arising from the pan she had on the stove top and stop the smoke detector from going off. flour was caked into her clothes, a raw egg was cracked on the side of her face and there were some pieces of the shell stuck in her hair. milk, as well as orange juice, was spilled on the floor and there was burnt toast in the toaster.

"morning," you spoke, startling your girlfriend.

the young woman jumped a little before turning to face you, her hand over her heart. "jesus, y/n. you scared me."

you laughed lightly, "apologies, i didn't mean to."

you two stood there for a couple beats, gazing at each other. a look of love and adoration obviously shining in both of your eyes.

"so," you spoke, breaking the silence. "what's going on here?"

realization appeared to hit camila as she seemed to remember what was happening before you came in.

"oh... well, uh, i was trying to make you breakfast?" the girl said, sheepishly rubbing her neck. furthermore rubbing some flour into her skin from her hands.

you chuckled, "i can see that."

you pushed yourself off of the wall and walked toward the messy girl that you loved. when you got close enough, you placed your hands onto her cheeks, not minding the mix of raw egg and flour on her face. you brushed some sticky hair from her face and rubbed soothing circled on her cheek bones.

"i appreciate the thought and sentiment." you said softly, looking into the brown orbs that you fell for. ❝ and i love you, but leave the cooking to me. 

a/n: wham bam dam and done. hope ya'll liked this one :)

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