Chapter 2-Home

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I walk into the building where my therapist is, or at least, that's what the paper says. I'm still fuming from the argument back home.


Not home.

The only reason I'm still there is because the doctors have appointed Mark as my 'guardian', saying that I'm a danger to myself and unsafe to live alone.


If I could, I'd leave in a heartbeat.

I sigh and walk into the reception area. An old lady with a nasally voice takes a year and a day to type me into a computer that's probably the age of one of her grandchildren.

S...e...a...n....M ... you get the point.

I give an impatient sigh, and she shoots me a dirty look. "Problem, young man?"

"Oh, no. It's just that unlike you, I'm not about to die, and I have things to do with my life instead of sit here forever."

She shakes her wrinkly, balding head and turns back to the computer. Two years later, she shakily hands me a clipboard. I grab it and fill it out in two minutes, handing it back.

After that, I'm told to take a seat, and I wait another few years before my name is finally called. Jeez, this is for my 'depression', but in all the time I've been waiting to be seen, I could have left and killed myself several times already.

I'm directed to a room with an ugly green couch and a table upon which rests none other than a box of tissues."Oh my God" I mutter. "This can't get any worse."

A minute later, a woman walks in. She's about my age, and cute, too. Caramel skin, dark brown hair.

And brown eyes. Like Mark's.

Stop it, Sean. Fuck him, he's not important.

She smiles and walks up to me, and we shake hands.

"Hi, I'm Cierra, nice to meet you."


"Please, have a seat."

I sit down on the rickety couch, and it creaks under my weight.

She crosses her legs and looks at me. "So, how are you feeling?"

I give her a look of loathing and internally groan. I don't need to kill myself, this is already my own personal hell.

She sees my face and laughs."I'm kidding, relax. Just messing with you."

I laugh slightly.

"So, what's been happening lately?"

And so it begins. An hour later, though it seems like 5 minutes, she looks at her watch and sighs. "I'm sorry, Sean. I have another patient after you."


She smiles. "It was nice to meet you, and I'll see you next week, okay?"

I grin. For some reason, next week can't come soon enough.

I walk myself out and go to my car. Time to go home- time to go to Mark's house.


He's not my father. And I'm an adult, I don't have a curfew. I drive out of the parking lot and head for the bar.

When in doubt, drink your feelings out.

I'm gonna get shitfaced.  

Manifest Darkness (Sequel to Darkness Within)Where stories live. Discover now