Chapter 24- My Fault

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"I love you, too."

"I know you do" I say smirking, then freeze as a thought comes to me, Janet's words. "What kind of relationship is this? I mean, one minute we're beating the shit out of each other or saying the nastiest things, and the next we're doing...this.".

I see Sean realize this as well, as he stares at the wall for a moment and blinks. "Well... u-um.." He tries to provide an answer, which is sweet, but not what we really need.

I chuckle, putting my head back on his neck. "Don't push yourself, Jackass." I say.
My nose is touching his neck, and it's touching a strange purple mark on his neck. The marks I left. I tense up, and can feel my breathing become a bit more shallow and fast.Sean notices this, looking down at me and raising an eyebrow.
"Uh... Mark?" He asks softly, his crystal blue eyes flashing with concern. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yea." I say, attempting a normal tone and failing immensely.

"Are you sure?" Sean asks, shifting a bit in his seat. "You're starting to worry me, Mark..."

I shake my head. "N-no. I-I'm good. I'm good." I say, averting his gaze and reaching for the plate, though I can still feel his eyes on me. As I do so, my stomach rumbles. The food tastes like shit, but I haven't eaten in what, a day and a half? I don't know, and frankly, I don't quite care.

He gives a small nod, keeping his eyes trained on me as I pull the food into lap, and take my fork.

I focus on the lumpy pasta, shoveling it mechanically in my mouth, not tasting a thing. Chew, swallow, repeat.
When I'm done, I set the plate down on the floor, and an odd thought occurs to me- they don't trust me with pens and pencils, but they trust me with a fork?

Just then, a worker comes in, takes the plate, and quickly takes it away. Jack sighs softly.
"Was that really so hard?" He asks me worriedly.

I give him a hard look, eyebrow raised.

Not funny.

He notices this and raises his hands up in "surrender".
"Sorry, sorry." He says. "Shouldn't have asked."

"It's fine."I mutter, and he starts to stand up, head to the door, and for some reason I feel a spike of panic run through me. But why? I don't want him...
"Stay. Please." the words spill out of me.

He stops dead in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at me. He cocks an eyebrow, studying me carefully.
"Y-You're... you're sure?" He murmured, furrowing his brow.

I nod quickly. What am I doing?

He walks back over, sitting himself down next to me.

My heart sinks as I lay back down. I...I think he's scared of me.

What have I done?

He glances around, and his eyes land on the paper and crayons. He gets up, walking over and grabbing a few.

I chuckle. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm doing IMPORTANT WORK!" He screams, but it's his playful scream. His video scream. His Jack scream. He begins to draw, chewing on his lip slightly.

I laugh. "Okay, okay. Jeez." I say, bringing my knees to my chest and watching him from the bed.

After a few minutes of intense focus,, Sean reveals his drawing of a crudely drawn SepticEye Sam.


I give a slow clap. "Van Gogh you are not."

"Oh, gimme a break." Sean rolls his eyes. "You try it."

Smirking, I stretch out on the bed, laying my head in my hand. "I have a better idea. Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls."

Sean rolls his eyes again, chuckling under his breath. He begins to scribble down on the paper, and after a few minutes, he shows me... a drawing of a dick.

I scoff, then smirk. "That's not accurate. Mine is bigger."

"Are you sure about that?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow.

I smirk. "Yea, you wanna see, Jackass?" Then flush bright red- I can't believe I just said that.

He blushes about as deeply as me, clearing his throat loudly.

"Y-y-y-you what?" I ask, mocking him, enjoying his discomfort.

He pouts, his red face making him look like a child.
"Stop it!" He whimpers.

"Stop what, babe?" I ask with wide eyes, tilting my head to the side.

"Teasing me!" He whines, crossing his arms.

I smirk even wider. "So you do want it." I say, then laugh at the look on his face. "Relax, there are cameras anyway, I'm not in the mood to make a porno."

"St-Stop..." he mutters, blushing even deeper and looking away. "You're meeaaannn..."

"Whatever am I doing, love?" I ask, frowning.

"Being meeeeeaaaaaaaaannnnnn..." he whines playfully, pouting even more than before.

"How so?"

"You're teasing mee..."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about!"

I chuckle. "I haven't the slightest. Besides, you wouldn't want anything like that, so..."

He thinks for a moment, then smirks at me.
"Who said I wouldn't?"

It's my turn to blush. "W-What?" I ask. Great, now I'm the one stuttering.

He giggles innocently, completely opposite to what he had just said.
"I just said, 'who said I wouldn't'."

I glare at him, getting off the bed and walking towards the chair and desk he's sitting at. "There were implications. What did you mean?" I growl.

He shrinks back, noticing my suddenly aggressive behavior.
"M-Mark, I-I'm joking..." he stammers out nervously.

I stare at him, then walk back to the bed, sinking onto the mattress and fighting back tears.

He blinks, slowly standing up.
"Is everything alright?"

I nod. "Fine." I whisper.
I'm a monster. I'm a danger, I scare people. I hurt people.
And it's all my fault.

Manifest Darkness (Sequel to Darkness Within)Where stories live. Discover now