Chapter 33- Hear Me [Finale]

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(Listen to the song as you read the chapter.)

(Also, please, at the end of the chapter, let me know how the song worked and how long you read the chapter, how far you got through the song. If I did it correctly, the chapter should last the entire song, which gives it the full effect.)


"You'll regret this, Mark."

"But, Dark-" I start. This is bad. Hours ago, we were planning together, cooperating, and now he's working against me. This is really bad.

"But Mark-" He mocks me, waving his hands dramatically. I exhale sharply through my nose, gritting my teeth and glaring at him from the bed.

He glares back. Soon enough, I hear something that makes my heart drop.


I take a deep breath. "H-hey, love." I say, and Dark gives a disgusted snort, looking at me in contempt before mimicking 'h-h-hey love' silently, complete with violent shaking, twitching, stuttering, and a gag at the end.

"So... is-is it true?" He asks, and I could feel the hurt in his voice, and practically see it in his expression. Dark smirks confidently, leaning against the wall.

I look at Dark, covering the mic with my palm. "You told him?!" I say it in a calm, controlled whisper, trying my hardest not to scream.

"I didn't tell him." He says innocently. "I turned on the mic, and I let him listen."

"I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU!" I scream, abandoning the attempt to keep my voice low. My hands are shaking, heart pounding. I'm angry, I'm breaking, I'm falling apart, inside and out.

"Oops." He shrugs, and I can see the smirk on his face growing.
"M-Mark? Is everything okay?" Sean asks.

I swallow hard. "Y-yes, babe, everything is fine." I say in a low, steady voice, as calm as I can make it.

"I-is it true? Because if it is, I don't want you to call me that." he says, and my heart drops. "W-what?" I whisper, and Dark makes a frowny face.

"I-It's not true, Sean. That's silly." I say, but it sounds like I'm trying to reassure myself more than I am Sean.
"O-Okay.. so.. you're sure? I-If so... when do you think I can come see you?" He asks softly. It's like he's almost afraid...

I open my mouth to respond, to say 'right now', but nothing comes out. Instead, Dark walks up to the mic and says "Never. I never want to see you again."

"Wh-What?" He asks, voice breaking. "M-Mark, Mark, why?" I can hear the tears coming. Dark looks at me, a smirk appearing on his lips as he says, "I'm leaving you for Janet. She's just better for me."

"No, no, please, STOP, I'll do anything!" I scream soundlessly, but Dark ruthlessly continues. "Nobody actually loves you."

"Y-You don't m-mean that, r-right?" He asks, his voice shaking miserably.

"Of course I do." he says. "O-okay then." Sean says in a steely voice. I hear him knock on something, maybe the window? Then a muffled conversation, and a burst of static, and the line goes mute.

He got someone to turn off the intercom.

To turn off me.

"That's what happens to unfaithful bastards, Mark." Dark says. I ignore him. In fact, I ignore everything. All I can hear is my own ragged breathing and pounding heart. I walk over, fiddle with the intercom-nothing happens. He's gone. Dark sits in the corner, giving me a look that's a mixture of pity and disgust.

A while later, maybe an hour, after I've calmed down somewhat, the door opens and Janet walks in. Before she can say anything, I open my mouth and say "Yes. I'll go out with you."

She freezes, mouth hanging open slightly. 

"Really? What made you change your mind?" 

"Well, I thought about what you said, and it would be nice, a chance to be loved and not get killed." I say, and she stares at me. "I-I'll be right back." she says, practically running from the room. The minute the door closes behind her, Dark is up, he's coming towards me, he's grabbing me by the front of my shirt, he's dragging me off my bed, he's slamming me into the wall, pinning me there.

"What the HELL was that?" he snarls, and I shove him away, tears flowing down my face. "Don't. Don't touch me." I say. "Sean! Sean! SEAN!" I shout, desperately hoping some miracle will occur, hoping against hope that he's turned on his speaker, that he can hear me through the walls, that he can hear me somehow.

But there's no one to hear me, except myself and the demon beside me.

The End.

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