Chapter 26- Can't Breathe

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I'm running. Hard. I don't know where, or why, but I'm running. My throat hurts, it's hard to breathe, but I have to keep going, get somewhere- am I running to something, or away from something?
It doesn't matter.
I keep running, and just when I can't go anymore, when I'm gasping for breath and my hearts gonna pound out of my chest, I wake up.

But I still can't breathe.

That's the first thing I notice. The second thing I notice is that it was dark, except for the lights outside of my room. My hands shoot to my neck, searching for the hands that were gripping so tightly around it and trying to pry them off.

"See how it feels?!" I hear a voice snap, which makes my heart drop all of the way to hell. Sean.

I can't answer, wheezing now, gasping for breath. My throat, it hurts, and I feebly claw at the fingers wrapped in a vice-like grip around it, cutting off my air. Bright white spots of light appear in my vision, and I'm twitching, and it hurts, and then my body relaxes and I stop struggling and then there's nothing at all.

The next thing I know, I gasp out, feeling air practically forced into my lungs. I hear Sean screaming hysterically, growling and shouting. I try to sit up, but I'm pushed down by someone I can't see clearly yet. Only a silhouette.

I try to blink quickly, to clear my vision, but it feels like everything I do is in slow motion, and takes a huge amount of effort.

But I need to get up, I need to find Sean, I need to help him. That wasn't him, it couldn't have been, it had to have been Anti. Sean, the one I know, he doesn't hurt people on purpose, he draws dicks and he screams like a girl and he helps anyone in need. I try to say this, or at least convey something like this message, but it comes out as a mumbled, heavy stream of nonsense.

"Mark, Mark, calm down." It's Janet. Her voice hits me like a truck; it was so loud. "Everything's okay. We've managed to contain Sean. You'll be alright..." Slowly, her words begin to fade out. I was just so... tired.

I swallow, and it hurts. I take a labored breath, and it hurts. I can feel my eyes closing, but I don't want to sleep. I want- I need to find Sean...

I feel Janet slowly push me back onto the bed, and a mask is put over my mouth. This only makes my need for sleep stronger, but I try and force myself to stay awake. For Sean. I can faintly hear his shouts in the background, and then harsh sparks of electricity.

My eyes widen against the heavy weights on my eyelids. "What are they doing to him?" I ask, but with the strained voice that sounds nothing like my own, the mask and the sleepiness it comes out as "Wuareudoim?"

Janet looks to me, raising an eyebrow.
"Hmm? What is it?" She asks, not seeming to understand me.

I cough, or try to, but with the mask on, I wind up choking on my own air. Quickly, Janet takes it off, and in a slow voice that's high and croaky, not at all my usual deep tones "What are they doing to him? What was that?"

"They just tasered him. He nearly bit off some skin from one of the workers- we had no choice...." Janet says softly, rubbing my shoulder. My eyes widen and I instantly try to sit up to look for him, but I end up being held down by Janet. She made an effort not to hurt me, pinning me down by holding my wrists. She was... surprisingly strong.

"Janet, let me go!" I shout, or try to, but it comes out as half croak, half wheeze, and I can feel angry tears in my eyes.

"No, Mark." Janet says sternly, her words about as firm as her grip. "I can't have you hurting yourself even more. Sean will be fine. We'll take him to solitary confinement. You'll be able to talk to him, we promise."

"I'm not hurting myself, I'm helping him!" I wheeze.

"Mark, if you want to be able to speak again, I suggest you shut your mouth." Janet snaps, making me clamp my mouth shut. I don't give up on trying to get up, leaving her no choice but to strap me down.

Immobile and mute, I glare at her, making every possible effort to fight the wave of exhaustion and medication threatening to pull me under.

Janet crosses her arms, challenging my stare with hers.

I glare back, a battle of wills, but my eyelids are becoming heavier by the second.

Janet seems to notice this and smirks.
"Nighty night, Markimoo..."

"Screw you." I mumble, trying to lift my hand and give her the finger, but I can't, even without the straps binding my limbs, I wouldn't have the strength to lift a pinkie. I give her a look of absolute loathing as I feel myself slipping away, letting the dark waters roll over me, pulling me into the horrible, unknown sea of unconsciousness.

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