Chapter 27- High Horse

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I watch from the corner as he slowly slips into a deep sleep, and yet again I'm surrounded by my own domain. Darkness. I stroll along, contemplating the madness that had just occurred. We had almost died.

Nothing gives you a wake up call like almost being strangled by your best friend. I have a half a mind to go and confront him, but then again, he might make good on his promise from earlier, and I really don't want that...
Deciding to screw it, I go after him, finding him lurking in a corner, filing his knife like nails with too much pleasure. "What the hell?" I snap. He can't just try to kill Mark- kill me- kill us and get away with it.

He glances up at me, grinning that disgusting grin.
"What?" He asks, giggling innocently. I growl under my breath.
"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!" I snap angrily, clenching my fists. I know I'm  speaking for everyone- Host, Wilford, Google, hell, even the King of the Fucking Squirrels when I lash out at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about, baby." he says, frowning, but I can see the glint in his eyes. "Don't call me that!" I snap, then shake my head. "And to think, I actually liked you." I say, then snap my mouth shut, eyes wide. I actually just said that...shit.

Anti looks at me... and he's almost impressed. I can see a slight wave of shock pass over his face for a second, and he then snorts.
"Yeah, right. Dark, I only did what I had to." He scoffs.

For a moment, my entire body feels warm, with pride or some other stupid thing. I think he's proud of me, for sticking up for myself. Well, I'm not the only one who'll be sticking things, I'll tell him where he can stick it...
That's when it hits me- is this because of our argument from earlier? He said it wasn't over, yet he never came he willing to kill, because of a spat...?

"What do you mean, 'had to'?" I spit.

He examines his nails for a moment, jumping lightly to his feet from the dark corner and walking around me, taking long strides just to seem powerful. I've played that game before, I know what he's trying to do.
"Remember our agreement? Our plan?" He asks. "We have to get rid of Mark and Jack. By ANY means possible." He lashes out at me at 'any' and I flinch involuntary.

"Well, you're obviously not the brains of this operation, dumbass. You forgot one key piece of information, moron- we kill them, we die too!" I say, leaning towards him. I'm not sure where this courage is coming from, but I hope it lasts, or else I'm good as dead.

He snorts.
"Do you REALLY think I care?" He asks, and I blink. He's... he's insane. Suicidal. Kamikaze. Mentally ill. He sees my shocked expression, and practically explodes into laughter.

I stare at him, eyes wide. "Y-you... it was our plan, to get rid of them both, together...but...but you, you tried to kill him..k-kill me..." I say, the truth setting in, backing up

"It's my goal to kill Jack. By any means possible." He calms down from his fit, chuckling. "Don't take it personally, Darkipoo~" He then takes the same stance as I usually do. Posture straight, arms behind his back with his hands touching his elbows with his feet together. "Think of it as business."

"Don't mock me." I spit, disgusted and enraged. How can he stand there so calm, talking about such things, and smile about them joke around?

"'Don't mock me.'" He mocks, only pushing me off even more. "Look at you, with your pitiful pride." He mutters. "Can't you just get off your high horse and live a little?!"

"One, there's a difference between living and being stupid. Two, I'm not on a high horse, I'm using my brain, something you lack. And third, you or I may not be living much longer, the way you're going about things!" I say, fixing my tie as I finish.

He listens to my information, then taps his fingers together.
"Dark, I have a question for you." He turns to me. "What's our purpose?"

I frown, thrown off by his query, eyebrows knitting together. "" I trail off, never having thought about it before.

He starts humming the 'Jeopardy' theme, walking around me. After he finishes, he stops right in front of me.
"Well? Time's up."

"I-I don't know."I say, shrinking back a fraction of an inch. His circling reminded me of vultures over their prey...

I don't like this, this game he's playing with me, it's making me nervous and unsteady on my feet, unsure of myself. Which is exactly what he wants.

He raises his eyebrows in amusement, a smirk grazing his lips. It then vanishes, replaced with a scowl.
"We were made to KILL, you IDIOT!" He screams.

 I flinch, jumping a bit. "I-I, yea, I." I stutter stupidly. He lets out a sharp sigh. 

"Now. What do we have to do, now that it's been refreshed in our minds?" He asks.

"Kill." I whisper.

"Good boy!" Anti praises me like a fucking dog, patting my head and smiling 'happily'.

I grit my teeth, exhaling sharply, resisting the urge to grab his arm and break his fucking wrist.

He giggles, then blinks rapidly. He looks around, making a face.
"I have to go." He mutters, then gives me a dirty look. "Don't try anything." He says, before vanishing.

I wouldn't dream of it.

Manifest Darkness (Sequel to Darkness Within)Where stories live. Discover now