Meeting the hitachiins

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Haruhi's POV
(Y/N) looks really nervous I hope she'll be alright. I try to re-assure her my holding her hand and giving it a squeeze, she squeezes back as if telling me that's she fine. I look up at her and see her (E/C) orbs scanning the walls of the hallway but as she looks around her at all the other students she starts to blush as she looks down and continues walking.

(Y/N)'s POV
These hallways are amazing! They're so much better then what I pictured them to be, I guess that's what you should expect from a bunch of rich people.

As you're scanning the pictures hung up on the walls you realise that all the students are staring at you and whispering things like "who is she?~" "Is that the new commoner?~" "why is she with Haruhi?~". Your cheeks became a light shade of pink as you looked down and continued walking.

You could feel their eyes burning into your skin as you walk through hallways and doors until Haruhi comes to a halt. "What's wrong sis?" She looks at the doorway and back at you with excitement. "this is our classroom this morning!" You couldn't help but giggle at her enthusiasm. You came a little bit early so you didn't feel overwhelmed with all the students, so, when we entered you were surprised to see a bunch of pupils standing around and talking. Oh my god I can't deal with this, what if they talk to me? They're all gonna laugh at me aren't they? Ugh I knew this was a bad idea. Haruhi must've noticed your uneasiness as she grabbed your hand again and led you to a table near the back. She was sitting in front of you and two boys were to your left and right, they both had ginger hair. You guessed they were twins, due to their identical looks. Duh good job (Y/N) *mental facepalm* great start brain.
The bell rang signalling the beginning of class whilst a couple more students entered and everybody took their seats. Silence filled the room and you began to feel more and more anxious for every second that passed.

The teacher looked at you and smiled. I bet you she'll call me to the front of the class, just wait for it. "Attention please, I believe we have a new student here. Miss Fujioka? Could u come to the front and introduce yourself" called it! Totally called it.

You slowly arose from your seat and made your way to the front of the class, a herd of eyes made their way to where you was standing. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt as you tried your hardest to calm down.

"H-hi my names (Y/N) F-Fujioka..."
The class was silent, you looked up to see everybody still staring at you, a couple whispering "oh my god she's so cute!" "Fujioka? You don't think she's related to Haruhi do you?". You walked back down to the back of the room and sat back down. You could feel a Blush already forming on your cheeks as a couple of eyes were staring at you from across the room. Uncomfortable is an understatement.

~time skip till end of class~

The bell rang signalling end of class and you let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding in. You and Haruhi started walking until two ginger haired figures stood in front of you. You heard Haruhi sigh beside you as she looks up. You keep your focus down at your feet as if they are much more interesting than the men standing in front of you. "Kaoru, Hikaru, could we please get past?" Haruhi politely asks the two gentlemen. "Uh huh huh~" he sings playfully, "not until you tell us who this cute young lady is" the boy who you think was named Hikaru said whilst Kaoru placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your face to meet his.

Your face became ten times hotter than it already was and your probably looked like a friggin tomato. He chuckles as he lets go feeling quite satisfied knowing he made that effect on you. You looked at Haruhi for help as she looked back at you as if to say 'sorry', she looked up at them and glared "for your information this is my sister and you better keep your dirty hands off her" protective sister vibes, I'm impressed.
The boys ignored her statement as Hikaru wrapped his arm around your waist and Kaoru's around your shoulder. "It's a pleasure to meet you princess~" they both whispered right beside your ear which gave you shivers down your spine. "I'm Kaoru"
"I'm Hikaru" they paused and linked arms with each other "...and we're the Hitachiian brothers!"

You wriggled free from their grasp as you and Haruhi escaped the room to find someplace quiet to study....this is going to be a longggggg day.

Hello my lovelies! Again sorry for the short chapter
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Author-chan out! ❤️

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