The host club

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(Y/N)'s POV
You and Haruhi were quietly studying in the library, the only thing being heard were the scribbled of pencils on paper. You looked at your older sibling writing away on her piece of paper, it looked like she was doing maths.
"Hey sis?" She hummed back as a response as she carried on writing "I'm gonna walk around the school for a bit to get a feel of my surroundings, Kay?" She looked up from her paper and gave you a warm smile "okay (Y/N) try not to get lost" you both giggled as you walked towards the door leading out to an empty hallway.

You could hear the echoes of your feet throughout the hallway as you walked down towards the west of the building, the area was deserted. We should study here instead it's much more peaceful than the library, surprisingly.

Your eyes floated up to a sign above a door 'music room #3'. Huh, this looks abandoned. Oooooh maybe there's a piano in here! Well it is a music room after all it would be stupid if they didn't have one. (ha just wait XD) You slowly opened the door in fear of there being any students playing instruments or just any students at all, as you did so you were blinded by an unusually bright light as rose petals gliding their way from the doorway and into your mouth. Wait what??, "*cough* *spit* Jeeze Louise I could've joked on that!" You whispered to no one but yourself. Your focus was then directed to something else as 6 male voices spoke from within the room.

"~welcome~" they basically sung it, what kind of music room is this!. The light faded as 6 figures came into focus, you recognised Kaoru and Hikaru and oh look it's Haruhi.....wait WHAT!?. How did she even get here before me!? Wait that's not even the main focus, what is she doing here!? The really tall blonde male came over to you and lifted your chin with his index finger whilst looking into your (E/C) eyes. "Welcome princess~ are you new? I've never seen such beauty in our presence before" Your face exploded in an array of red, your cheeks flushed. What is it with these damn rich people! They can't just go and do that sorta stuff. You back away slowly and run to cover behind Haruhi, "who on earth are these people?" You whisper beside her ear.

Haruhi's POV
"Who on earth are these people?" (Y/N) whispered behind me whilst cowering in fear. I just sighed and looked at Tamaki who was currently in his emo corner growing mushrooms. "C'mon Tamaki-Senpai, you just scared her that's all" I turned my attention back to (Y/N) who was still frightened by the amounts of people in the room. I wonder what's bothering her so much? she was looking around the room clearly amazed with what she saw. "So, (Y/N), this is the host club that I told you about!" I pointed towards the group of 6 guys awkwardly standing looking in our direction. She stood there dumbfounded and blushing whilst looking at the host club members. I pointed at them individually to introduce them "this is Tamaki-Senpai, Hikaru and Kaoru whom you have already met, Mori and honi-senpai and this is kyoya" I paused to take a breath and then continued "-host club this is (Y/N) my younger sister"
"YOU HAVE A SISTER AND YOU DIDNT TELL US!!" I scowled at Tamaki and puffed out my cheeks.

(Y/N)'s POV
Oh my god, new people!! abort abort!!....She introduced you to all the club members and they all were shocked that she had a younger sibling that they didn't know about. When everyone was talking and shouting about Haruhi keeping a secret like that from them, you slyly snuck behind them in way for the exit until two figures that you were now too familiar with stood in your way.

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