Kyoya Ending (christmas special)

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Tell me (Y/N), what made you run away like that?" You were sitting on an amazingly comfortable sofa and a pair of brownish-grey eyes staring at you as all you could do was stare at your hands sitting against your lap. Why is he bringing that back up? He was talking about when Tamaki shown that they truly cared and all you could do was run, how else could you handle it?

Your heart was going crazy. I can't tell him, I can't! Your eyes were flickering from each speck of dirt you found on the floor, thinking of a way to answer his question. You could sense he was growing impatient, but didn't Haruhi tell them? Obviously not. He turned to face you as you glanced at him from the corner of your eye. Oh god why does he look so serious! He suddenly pushed you backwards so that your back was lying flat against the sofa, his body hovering over yours as he stared straight into your (E/C) eyes. "I asked you a question" his voice was stern, fierce. Obviously to intimidate you enough to tell him. You opened your mouth to talk but all that came out were stuttered letters. "I-i.." you waiting a moment then looked away from his gaze. "I can't..."

He sighed and his expression softened. "I'm sorry that I'm being so forceful" he sat up and pushed his glasses further up his nose. "I already know why" you looked at him, confused. "Then why did y-you ask me Kyoya-senpai?" Smirking he looked around the room as you copied him.

You didn't realise how beautiful the Christmas lights really were or how tall the Christmas tree was. That's bound to be about the size of this room! He wrote something down in his book and looked at you "because I was trying to help" he stood up, not allowing you to have enough time to reply and walked away, placing his hands in his pockets. "Oh and (Y/N)?" You looked up from your lap " be ready by 6:30 tonight, we're going for dinner" your cheeks became a light shade of red as your eyes widened "o-ok senpai.."

~time skip till tonight~

You twirled in front of the mirror, admiring your outfit and hoping it was good enough for wherever Kyoya was planning on taking you. 

(Outfit above, or pick something else if you'd like)

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(Outfit above, or pick something else if you'd like)

Just as you finished putting on your shoes you heard your door bell chime through the house as you smiled in delight and excitedly grabbed your handbag whilst making your way down the stairs. You glanced up at the clock. 6:30, he's bang on time. Opening the door you couldn't help but be stunned. He was wearing a black suit, that was obviously tailored to fit him perfectly, and a midnight blue tie along with a pair of matching black shoes. Wow, he looks handsome! Maybe I'm a little under dressed. Your cheeks flared at both him and the fact what you're wearing may not be fitting for Kyoya, after all he is one to over do things.

He guided you to a black limo, which surprisingly matched him, and opened the door for you. Doesn't he think a limo is a bit too fancy for dinner?. You started to get a little anxious, surely a car would suffice? You glanced wearily in his direction and seen a small smirk at the corner of his mouth, he looked like he was up to something. He nodded at the driver, "you know where to go". The car jolted to a start as the wheels rode against the tarmac. It was deafeningly quiet and all that could be heard was the low hum of the engine, Kyoya was sitting across from you tapping his hand against his thigh and scanning your outfit. Nodding approvingly he turns his attention to outside. "You look lovely (Y/N)" clearly trying to catch you or guard, and succeeded, he looked back over to you with a gentle smile as you nervously laughed and your body tensed. "Y-you look good t-too"

Although you hated to admit it, you loved him dearly, but he still gave you a chill up your spine every now and again. He is the shadow king after all.

~another time skip brought to you by Christmas food~

You were surprisingly having a good time, he was really charming and funny. Traits that you undoubtedly fell for. Anyway, who couldn't fall for him? He was just pure perfection. You talked and laughed all night as he bought you more drinks (not alcoholic drinks 😂😂). You thought you could sense him flirting with you but surely it was your imagination? You decided that this was the REAL Kyoya. Not the scary, organised, host club shadow king Kyoya.

You both stood up as he suddenly linked his arm with yours and pulled you close to him, you felt your cheeks heat up. He leant down close to your ear as you were walking out the door "you look adorable when you blush" your eyes widened, did he really just say that? "T-thanks..."

Standing at your door you smile sweetly at him and tuck a bit of hair behind your ear, disappointment flooded your emotions as you wished that the night could've lasted longer. He held your hand in his and kissed the back of it, Bowing afterwards he pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind him as if it were the most casual thing he could've done. "(Y/N), from the moment I met you I knew you were going to amazing. You're gorgeous, funny, kind and just all around perfection....I have one question to ask you..." he paused for a moment and cleared his throat as you stood there dumbfounded. Was he really saying this? "Will you be my girlfriend?" For the first time since you met him, he actually looked nervous and maybe even scared. You smiled brightly as your eyes widened and you giggled whilst wrapping your hands around his neck in an embrace. "Of course I will be Kyoya!" He smiled back and picked you up, twirling you in a circle as you both were laughing. Dropping you he pushes up his glasses and bows once more.

"I'll see you tomorow, (Y/N)" he winks at you and gives you a wave as he slips back into the limo and it drives off around the corner. Did that really just happen!? You couldn't help but squeal slightly in glee as you shut the door behind you and quietly walk up the stairs, in hopes not to wake anyone. You opened the door slowly, Haruhi should be asleep by now.

You slumped back onto your bed and looked up at the ceiling, letting out a sigh. You were with the man you love and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Sorry this one was so short and probably quite bad! 😂
There's been a lot of things going on and I've been distracted by quite a few number of things.

Please comment to tell me your opinions

Author-chan out! ❤️

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