Tamaki ending

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(Y/N)'s POV
You had missed two days of school as you were scared of facing anyone, you didn't want the host club to know but Haruhi told them anyway. Sighing you toss and turn in your bed, uncomfortable and restless. You felt like absolute shit (sorry if anyone doesn't like swearing) and you had bags under your eyes, yes it had only been two days but it felt like ages since you had seen the hosts. Although you would never admit it out loud...you missed them...especially Tamaki. His cheery smile and golden blonde hair appeared in your thoughts, making you smile to yourself, you had fallen for him...

Looking at the time you realise it was 1pm, you sat yourself up and stretched "lunch time!" Pulling off your covers to reveal your bare legs you shivered from the cool air of the house as you walked to your bathroom stubbing your toe on the corner of the bed "fuck!" You hissed in pain as you hopped around your room "ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch" stumbling over to the bathroom door you look at yourself in the mirror and try to practice your winning fake smile, you laughed. "A least I tried.."

You closed your eyes and hummed a song as the hot water hit your skin, just as you turned the water off you heard the front door of the house being opened and closed rather loudly. Thinking it was Haruhi you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked out your room to look over the bannister, "Haruhi? Is that you?".. "(Y/N)? It's me, Tamaki" your eyes widened. Shit shit shit shit shit! You ran into your room and closed the door locking it and rummaging through your drawers to find a set of clothes to put on. You didn't want him to see you looking like this! you heard his footsteps coming up the stairs as you just sat on your bed, pretending that you didn't want to talk...which wasn't entirely a lie. Three knocks and then silence. Another three knocks "(Y/N) are you ok?" You started to tear up at the fact he came to your house just to see if you were ok, god you missed him. "Y-yeh I'm fine Tamaki thankyou, is Haruhi with you?.." you had stood up by now and faced the door trying to picture him on the other side. "(Y/N) please open the door.." you unlocked the door and  placed your hand on the door knob slowly turning it and opening it just slightly so he could see you.

His face fell as he seen how you looked, bags under your eyes, hair in a mess and your skin as pale as a ghost. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it quickly as if regretting it. He pulled the door open at full force and moved forward wrapping his arms around you in a full blown hug, your body stiffened in fear as your face turned red. He placed his hand on the back of your head and rested his chin on top of it, making soothing circles on your back. "Shhh it's ok, you can hug back you know" he chuckled as you relaxed and closed your eyes, releasing a sigh you didn't know you were holding as you hugged him back, smiling. No one had hugged you in so long that it felt...refreshing. He let go as you whimpered at the loss of touch, as he looked down at you and grabbed hold of your shoulders, his face turning serious. "Don't you dare miss another day of school" you nodded as he hugged you once more and grabbed your hand dragging you down the stairs and sitting in the living room. "Haruhi told me what happe-" you put your finger to his lip "I know she did, I don't really want to talk about it.." you slumped back into the sofa and leaned your head back closing your eyes. He sighed as you opened your eyes and turned your head to look at him "what?" He placed his hand on your cheek as he moved his thumb is circle motions, looking into your (E/C) eyes and smiling sweetly. "I love you so much.." he moved in and closed the gap between you two, kissing you. Your eyes widened in shock as your face heat up in embarrassment, you didn't kiss back immediately but you eventually melted into it as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

You parted for air and leaned your foreheads together, "I love you too doofus" you laughed quietly and smiled, your face fell as you realised the scars from your shoulders were showing as your sleeves were pushed up slightly. Quickly pulling them down you looked to the kitchen door hoping he didn't see them, "You hungry?" His eyes lit up "you bet I am" smiling you walk through to the kitchen and start preparing lunch, you didn't notice Tamaki behind you with a concerned expression. He quickly and smoothly removed your shirt as you squeaked and turned around covering your chest. "Tamaki? What the hell!" You puffed out your cheeks. He was looking at your stomach in shock "turn around.." your eyes widened as you took a step back "N-no! Give me my shirt back" you knew he wasn't caring about your exposed breasts so you used your arms to try and reach for your shirt but he lifted it higher out of your reach, you knew you weren't going to get out of this one. "(Y/N), I won't repeat myself" his voice was stern and demanding, it scared you. Slowly you turned around and stared at the ground, eyes tearing up as you started to shiver. The memories were flooding back. You could feel his finger touch your scars as you flinched and turned back around to face him covering yourself up again, not giving him eye contact. "I-I'm sorry.." you started to walk at a quick pace out the room before he grabbed you and pulled you back in, embracing you in a hug once more. "Stop running away, stop hiding and closing yourself from others..you can open up to me I promise" you could hear the beating of his heart as it fell in sync with yours. You sniffled as you held back the river of tears trying to push their way through. He sat down on the floor and made you sit on his lap, still facing him as he kept embracing you. You couldn't hold them back any longer as you sobbed onto his shoulder, your body shaking as you hugged him tighter and he started rocking back and forth in a soothing manner. Slowly but surely the crying had stopped and your eyes were drooping closed, just before you drifted off to sleep you felt Tamaki pick you up and lightly press his soft lips against your forehead as he took you upstairs "i love you and I will always protect you (Y/N), no matter what" he placed you on your bed and walked out the room sleeping on the sofa downstairs like a gentleman. Reminiscing the kiss before and smiling to himself knowing that he had won you over.

Hello my lovelies!
Hope you liked this ending
Each ending is separate and doesn't link with each-other in any way

Anywhosles, please vote and comment to tell me your opinions or who you think I should do next

Author-chan out!❤️

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