Host club ball preperations

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Haruhi's POV
It's been a few days since (Y/N) first became a hostess and she's been doing really good, she's not stuttering anymore and she's pretty confident around the host club now. I guess it just got some getting used to, we catered to our last guests and watched them evacuate themselves from the room. I sit down on the window sill and look out to all the students walking around and laughing, I let out a sigh and close my eyes.

"Is something wrong Haru-chan?" I open my eyes to see huni-Senpai and Mori-Senpai looking at me worriedly. I smile and shake my head 'no' "don't worry huni I'm just tired" mori picked me up and dropped me over his shoulder. "H-hey! What are you doing?!" I shout in his ear as I hit my fists against his back and try to wriggle free from his grasp, this caught the attention of the other hosts as they look up from where they were sitting to watch the scene play out. "You need to sleep" is all he replied with, so I stopped making a fuss. "I can't exactly sleep on your shoulder Mori-senpai" he didn't reply he just walked over to the abnormally large couch and placed me down. I looked up at him as of to say 'why here?'. All he did was nod and say "sleep" as if ordering me like a dog. I started to blush as I replayed the scene in my head and (Y/N) seemed to notice as she giggled slightly and winked at me. I just lay my face onto a pillow to hide my embarrassment.

(Y/N)'s pov
You seen haruhi's face redden as Mori-Senpai placed her down on the couch. All you could do was giggle and give her a cheeky wink, she shoved her face into a pillow to hide her embarrassment but you were pretty sure Kaoru and Hikaru saw her. "Alright gentleman!" He looked at you and Haruhi "-and ladies" Tamaki said to get the clubs attention. "We need to make preparations for the upcoming ball we are hosting"...oh ok cool...wait what the hell!? Why didn't he tell us until now?

You and Haruhi looked at each other in confusion and shock "a ball!?" You spoke in unison which got the attention of the other members. "Yes a ball~" Kaoru stated "you didn't know?" Hikaru added. You both looked at them as if they were idiots. "Does it look like we know?"
"It's not like we were surprised or anything" You and Haruhi replied bluntly.

Tamaki pulled out a piece of paper which showed the layout of the hall, which you presumed was where the ball will be held, he started asking what foods we should have and what kind of music we should play. You and Haruhi decided not to get involved since you wouldn't be needing to go since it didn't effect you whether you participated or not.

You started walking towards the door as it was time to go home and your dad would be wondering where you were but Kaoru and Hikaru stood in your way (shocking isn't it?) You let out a sigh "do you two have nothing better to do than stop us from leaving?" They look at each other and smile "nope!". What could they possible need from us? We're not even going to that stupid ball....Or so you thought.

Tamaki spoke from behind you. "And where do my two precious daughters think they're going?", "uhhhh, home?" You replied confused with his question. He shook his finger in front of his face "nuh uh uh~"... "I have only one question for you" Haruhi looks up at him "and what's that Senpai?", "do you girls know how to dance?" You nervously laugh whilst rubbing the back of your necks "uhh, haha about that, we don't actually know how to dance" "but!-" You interrupted Haruhi and continued your sentence "we don't NEED to know since we don't NEED to go to the ball" and then Kyoya decided to fit his big ass beak into the conversation, "we'll cut your debt by 2,000,000¥" you looked at each other and sighed "we'll do it" you said together. The host club cheered and set off to prepare for the evening ahead.

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