Operation save (Y/N) part 2

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(Y/N)'s POV
You sat on all fours on the ground trying to regain your strength after him sucking the breath out of you. You looked up to see him looking down at you with lust in his eyes, 'oh god no, what's he gonna do? Please come quick guys'. He knelt down so he was at your level and then lifted you so you were over his shoulder, you smacked your fists against his back whilst kicking your legs in protest but none of it seemed to phase him. He carried you out of the room and basically threw you on the floor. He began ripping off your shirt so you were just in my skirt and (F/C) coloured bra, you covered yourself up and began shouting for help. "HARUHI HELP ME!!" He slapped you across the face and then moved his body so he was on all fours whilst hovering over you. "Now be a good girl for me will you?" He smirked whilst tracing your stomach with his finger. You lifted your leg and kicked him inbetween his legs which made him fall backwards he yelled in pain whilst cowering in a ball. "Ach! You little bitch!"

You got up and ran towards the door not caring that your chest was basically exposed as well as your stomach. You burst open the door and ran down the hallway whilst screaming for Haruhi "HARUHI HELP!! IM BEING ATTACKED" You heard the guy burst out of the room and the sound of his footsteps carried through out the hallway, you looked back and immediately regretted it as you saw him running at full speed towards you with such a furious look plastered on his face. You ran as fast as your little legs could carry you.

Haruhi's POV
"HARUHI HELP!! IM BEING ATTACKED" I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard (Y/N) calling for help. The other hosts heard it as well as we all ran as fast as we could to where her voice travelled throughout the house. '(Y/N) don't worry we're coming!'.

(Y/N)'s POV
You ran at the speed of light, just until you bumped straight into someone, you waited for the thump of the ground but all you felt was an arm wrapping itself round you. The mysterious figure hugged you to his chest and you just stood there scared out of your life. You looked up and you saw tamaki furiously looking forward to the guy chasing you previously. You were breathing heavily and felt wildly light headed as the room seemed to be spinning. 'Oh thank god they're here!!' You sighed very loudly and hugged Tammi back as you were more than overjoyed with the host club here.

"What are YOU doing with MY girl" the guy had finally broken the tense silence. Tamaki scoffed 'ha! YOUR girl, she's her own person jake" he practically spat his name with such venom in his voice. Hikaru and koaru took you from tamaki's grasp and all the other hosts including Haruhi stood in front of you protecting you from this so-called jake. You felt a small breeze blow past and you were suddenly very aware of the fact that you were standing in just your bra and skirt. You squeal a little and cover yourself up, "what's wrong (Y/N)?" Koaru asked. You blushed a deep red and became very nervous, "I d-don't have a s-shirt on" they didn't seem to have noticed before as they looked down at you and both blushed even redder than you if that were possible, they looked away quickly and scratched the backs of their necks. "Go get one" hikaru said rather quietly. You nodded slowly and ran away to another room to find something to wear.

"Ugh c'mon! There's gotta be something in this room, cuz I am NOT walking around in my god damn bra looking for a shirt" You heard rustling by the door as it opened slowly, you hid in the wardrobe next to you and prayed that they wouldn't look in here. You hugged your knees to your chest and closed your eyes, the doors were flung open and as you were about to scream, a hand was placed over your mouth, you open your eyes to see....Kyoya!? "It's just me (Y/N)" "Jesus Christ Kyoya!! You scared the living day lights outta me!" He didn't say anything as he looked away and handed you a shirt to wear. You quickly put it on glad that you were finally covered up in some way. "Thanks kyoya~" You gave him a closed eye smile as he blushed a tiny bit more. "Don't mention it" you walked outside into the hallway and saw the host club there, you looked to your left and saw...jake!? You hid behind kyoya and shivered in fear. He walked slowly over as he started apologising "(Y/N), i really am sorry about before..." he looked at you with worry and sadness, but, you couldn't forgive him, you couldn't even look at him. You hugged kyoya's back tighter and whimpered slightly as you looked over at Haruhi. Tamaki noticed how distressed you were and politely told him to leave.

All the hosts looked at you and gave you a bone crushing hug as they all rapidly asked you if you were ok. You laughed "guys guys!! I'm alright Jeeze, I can't breath!" They all laughed as they let go. 

You and Haruhi walked home and spent some needed quality time with your dad, a family night in watching movies and laughing together. The doorbell rang so you decided to go and answer it, as you opened the door you let out a gasp. "Oh my god! You're here!!" You nearly fangirled right there and then but thought not to and invited the person in. "Dad Haruhi guess who's here? It's...."

*gasp* who could the mysterious visitor be??? Are they here to cause trouble or are they just visiting! Find out in the next chapter dun dun dunnnnn 😂

Hiya my lovelies! Hope you liked this chapter cuz I really enjoyed writing it to be honest
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Author- chan out!

Ouran host club x reader (haruhi's sister) Where stories live. Discover now