Host club ball preperations(part 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV
It was the day of the ball and you and Haruhi still haven't picked outfits to wear, the rest of the hosts were doing their thing by entertaining their quests but since you were daydreaming and out of thought way too much Kyoya told you to take a break. You decided to take a walk in the garden to take your mind off things, you couldn't stop thinking about this stupid ball, you really didn't want to go. people just aren't your thing.

You lay down on the grass and rested your head against a tree as you lay and looked at your surroundings. Everything was so beautiful, the flowers, the trees even the sky was a gorgeous crystal blue. You closed your eyes and just drifted off to sleep. A little nap wouldn't hurt anyone would it?

Haruhi's POV
I looked around in search for (Y/N), I needed to ask if she wanted to go shopping after school today for something to wear to this godforsaken night, however, I couldn't seem to find her. As I walk by the window I just happen to see a glint of brown In amongst the array of green grass outside. Ooh there she is! Why is she outside? I hope she's ok.

As I walk round the corner I see her already standing and gathering her things I opened my mouth to shout her name until....someone grabbed her!! All I could hear was her muffled screaming getting quieter as she gets dragged away by this mysterious figure kidnapping my sister. I was frozen to my spot, trying to process what just happened until it clicked. Why am I still standing here!? I need to get the host club!

I ran down the halls as fast as my small legs could carry me to music room #3 I had no hesitation to bursts open the doors no matter if there were guests present or not. The hosts looked at me alarmed by my sudden entrance, "Haruhi? Is everything ok?" Kyoya asked me in a concerning tone which I've never heard from him before. "No I am NOT ok!! (Y/N)'s been kidnapped!!" I screamed as fast and as loud as I could and ran back out the room to the garden in which I last saw (Y/N) peacefully sleeping outside as the warm sunshine relaxed itself on her pale skin, but what I had failed to notice was that neither Mori or Honi-Senpai were present in the music room and that that would have an affect on me in no longer than 10 minutes.

The club came strolling round the corner as if nothing serious had just happened, "Haruhi chillax, (Y/N) hasn't been kidnapped" Tamaki said with his hand on my shoulder trying to came me down. "What do you mean senpai?".....mori and honey then came round the corner with (Y/N) in mori's arms, bridal style.

I gave every host club member the death glare as I reach (Y/N) to see if she's ok. I turn to the 6 men who knew about this before I did, "now tell me, what the hell was that all about!?" They all took a step back out of fear from my surfacing rage. "W-we just wanted to get her to wear a d-dress!" The minute Tamaki's breath had escaped his mouth I couldn't help but grab him by the collar. "So you scared the life out of me and probably (Y/N) so you could get her to wear a god damn dress!!, you could've just asked!" "We're sorry Haruhi!!" The twins shouted whilst grabbing hold of my legs and crying as well as Tamaki and honey. I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples with my index fingers "you guys stress me out sometimes" I let out a chuckle and stepped out from the 4 men's grasps as I see (Y/N) sitting up rubbing her eyes.

(Y/N)'s POV
You sat up and rubbed your eyes as you see you were still siting on the luscious green grass where you were before. Did I sleep THAT long?? In fact how long was I actually asleep for? Never mind the host club is here *sigh* I don't get my peace for the rest of the day after all.

You see Haruhi walking over and asked if you were ok, you gave her a puzzled look "of course I am sis!", "Hey (Y/N) how about we go clothes shopping after school before this stupid ball starts?" Oh my god yay! I haven't been alone with Haruhi in ages "oh my gosh yes! It's been a while since it was just you and me" you both giggle and smile brightly at each other as she helps you up from the ground and you walk into the building and out the front door.

~le time skip to when they're shopping~

"Oh my god Haruhi we have to go into this shops it looks so cute!" You pulled Haruhi's arm into a shop called 'dress delux'. You were amazed with all the gorgeous dresses they had lined up. There were short frilly ones, long thin ones and many more. You both picked a dress to wear and headed home to get ready. (Hi! This is future me. I know Haruhi doesn't wear a dress because she is obviously seen as a boy...there's an authors note further on explaining this)

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