A maid?

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Tamaki's POV
I waited for (Y/N) to reply to my offer as well as Kyoya's and all she did was nod. She's not very talkative is she?...but none of the less I have a new daughter in the host club!! I turned to the club members, "alright men! Back to your positions" as I said this everyone went to their table to cater to their guests and so did I, but I notice (Y/N) still staring out the window. I guess she'll start her duties tomorrow?

(Y/N)'s pov
You let out a sigh, how did this even happen? One minute I'm looking around the school to get my bearings and the next I'm sitting in a room with 6 boys and Haruhi flirting with girls and getting money for it. There's a certain word for that kind of thing....damnit what is it....I smack my fist against my palm. I've got it!...prostitute. (Sorry I had to 😂) with that you swing your legs off the ledge of the window and stare into the room, watching the 6 men make flirtatious comments and the girls swooning over them and fangirling.

Honestly how stupid could you be? No offence to the ladies of course but still, they're just being obnoxious. You look around the large room but you see that Kyoya is on a sofa in the corner of the room but not with any girls, he's on his....laptop? You wondered what he's doing so you swung yourself off the ledge and slowly walk over, carefully sitting next to him without making him aware of your presence.

"What is it (Y/N)?" Startled, you quickly look at him. "Oh, n-nothing! You just seemed lonely and plus I was bored so I came over here. S-sorry if I'm a bother" he looked at you and pushed up his glasses smirking "I believe that's the longest sentence you've said since you entered this room" You look at him and gave him a smile "I guess so" You chuckled.

~le time skip because author-chan is super duper lazy~

Still (Y/N)'s pov
You woke up to the sound of Haruhi in the shower singing. You groaned as you sat yourself upright and stretched, yawning in the process. What time is it? You looked for your phone as you checked the time. "6:31" ugh great I have to get ready for school, oh my god no I have to be at the stupid host club afterwards. I hate being around people and them being flirtatious is awkward for me. You finally decided to get up and get ready. you put your school uniform on and have something to eat. You and Haruhi grab your bags and say your goodbyes to your dad.
"Bye dad!" You say in unison. "Bye have a nice day at school!" He shouted in reply.

~another super duper time skip~

As you reach the gates you see Hikaru and Kaoru sitting on a bench talking. You decided not to go over there in case they try to plot something against you as they normally would do. "Hey, (Y/N)?" You only hummed in response whilst you kept on walking into the building. She turned her head to look at you, "I need to go see a teacher will you be ok on your own?" You only laughed "of course I will be! I'm a big girl don't worry, I'll be fine" she chuckled and waved as she went in the opposite direction.

You thought about going to the library for some piece and quiet but you guessed the twins had other plans. Kaoru slithered his arm around your waist as Hikaru done the same around your neck. "(Y/N)~" they sung in unison, "wanna play a game?"...You looked at them for a second before shaking your head 'no', "awe c'mon (Y/N)!" Hikaru said "we want you to talk to us!" Kaoru finished. You giggled at their childish behaviour and looked up at them a blush creeping it's way onto your pale cheeks "b-but I don't have anything t-to say"

~time skip to the host club~

As you and Haruhi walked through the doors you were prepared for the weirdest things to come from this club, and boy you weren't disappointed. Tamaki would keep calling Kyoya 'mommy' as if they're husband and wife and you're their little children. I think he's a bit too old to be playing house.

Kyoya sent you to the kitchen which was attached to the room through a door you didn't even know existed, and assigned you to dishes. So you began to get to work a long with making coffee's for the guests and the hosts. After the guests had left you finished the last set of dishes and put them away into the cabinets, whilst picking up your bag and walking to the exit Tamaki called you over to say they were having a meeting of some kind.

You were weighing your options of staying to hear this or just completely leaving and not bothering. Hhm, stay and listen to Tamaki babble on about host duties? Or leave and sit on the couch eating doritos and chocolate? Tough choice I can't decide.

You groaned and made your way over, this better be worth it. "So (Y/N) since you are an official host club member you need to play the part!" He said whilst dramatically pointing a finger in your direction. You looked at him confused "w-what do you mean senpai?" He pulled out a black and white puffy dress, which looked exactly what a maid would were (outfit above) oh hell no! It's bad enough I have to act like a maid never mind dress up as one!!

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