Takashi ending

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(Y/N)'s POV
After you had went back to ouran you and Mori became increasingly closer, even despite his quiet and discreet personality, and would spend most of your time glancing at him from the corner of your eye as your cheeks heat up in both anger and jealousy of the time he spent with his guests. The closeness between Mori-senpai and honi-senpai didn't bother you, you thought it was sweet, like a brothers bond.

You were sitting in a chair by the corner of the room, mindlessly flicking through a textbook for English hoping to study for an upcoming test you had. All you could think about was Takashi, he was the only thing on your mind. Other than food of course. Mmh food~ maybe I'll ask honi for some cake. You dreamingly stared off into space thinking about the array of cakes that you would have after honi and Mori-senpai were finished with their guests. You looked back down at your book and tried finding a section on 'discursive writing' as you had to finish off your port folio by next week, you might as well get it started. Just as you got out your pen and paper Hikaru and Koaru sat next to you and looked at you with a confused expression. "Why aren't you doing something fun?" Looking at Hikaru you smiled slightly and shrugged "I have to get this done and I've got to go somewhere after school tonight" they both smirked as Koaru spoke up "oh? Where would that somewhere be?~" your cheeks flushed, you were planning on going to visit Mori as he didn't live that far from you, but you weren't going to tell the twins that. "None of your business, now let me get on with my work" they looked at each other and shrugged as they walked off to somewhere you didn't know and quite frankly didn't care.

"(Y/N)-chan!" A sweet child-like voice shouted your name as you turned to be faced with honi. "Hi honi-Senpai!" You stopped as you spotted him holding a violet coloured bunny behind him as you playfully gasped and bent down to his height. "*gasp* is that Usa-chan? Can I give him a hug?" Smiling he hands him over as you lift him up and look at him, he really was a cute teddy. Hugging him close to your chest you give him back and giggle, honi seemed to enjoy the way you treated him as no-one else did it quite like you did. "Hey honi?" He looked at you "would you like to have some cake with me?" His eyes went wide as he smiled brightly "of course (Y/N)-chan! Takashi's right over here, he can join us too right?" You nodded quickly as your cheeks reddened slightly. "He sure can" you lowered your voice slightly. "But he doesn't like the same cakes as us" honi laughed and held Usa-chan tighter "no, he doesn't!"

Some time had past and the three of you were enjoying different flavoured cakes from around the world. Even mori was eating some of the things you handed him, they really were amazing. You were quietly talking until honi beckoned you down to his level with his hand, you obliged as he cupped the side of your ear and whispered something. "I know you like Takashi, he likes you too Yano' . You guys should be together" you sat back quickly as your face became extremely red. He's just kidding! Right? You laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck. "I-I don't know what your talking about honi-senpai!" You slid your plate forward slightly and stood up from your seat. "I just remembered there's some studying I have to do" mori looked at you sternly "(Y/N)" you stopped and turned to face him, your nervousness evaporated as you put on a calm act. "What's up mori-senpai?" Standing up he excuses himself to honi and takes hold of your hand gently whilst guiding you out of the room and into the hallway.

What you didn't know was that everyone in the host club helped mori pluck up the courage to do exactly this.

He took you outside and into the garden, sitting down on a bench just beside a beautiful blossom tree (typical I know 😂). You started to get a little worried, after all he's normally not like this. "Are you ok mori?" He looked down at you, as you were obviously smaller than him, and smiled sweetly at you. Your heart skipped a beat, he'd never really smile like that at you. He hugged you close to him as you could feel his heart beat against his chest and the warmth radiating off of him, you hugged back gladly and breathed out a sigh. It was like hugging a warm teddy bear.

He held your left hand and circled the back of your hand with his thumb, he then said the six words that you least expected to hear. "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Your body froze, did you hear him correctly? Surely he didn't say that. The one man that has been on your mind for days has finally said what you wanted to hear. "Of course I will be!" You hugged him tightly and giggled in glee. As you pulled back and shared a loving kiss. His soft lips pressed against yours as your body tingled in a feeling that you hadn't felt before.

The host club were standing at their window, watching from above and applauding whilst Tamaki sulked in a dark corner growing mushrooms and crying as his 'daughter' was being taken away from him. You stood and smiled brightly as you held his hand and you both made your way back up to music room #3.
This is going to be interesting.

Sorry this one was shorter than usual, thought I'd make it short but sweet if you know what I mean?

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! We actually had snow here today can you believe it!!

Author-chan out!❤️

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