'The shy type'

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(Y/N)'s POV
"I am NOT wearing that t-thing!" You quietly shout as you look to the ground, feeling yourself blush, trying your best to hide it. Tamaki looks at you and smiles "nonsense! It'll attract more guests!!" You look up with a sad expression and started to fake cry. "No don't cry (Y/N)! Daddy's sorry!!" With this he runs up to you and hugs you tightly whilst shouting his apologies over and over.

"Ummm..S-Senpai?" Tamaki was still hugging you and quite frankly it was getting kinda awkward. He notices what he's doing and quickly lets go, is he....blushing?. The twins had their signature smirks plastered on their faces and you felt something really bad was gonna happen. "But (Y/N), you could help repay Haruhi's debt faster if you wear it" Hikaru and Kaoru said in unison.

"Uuugh..f-fine, I'll wear your stupid dress" You mumbled. "What was that (Y/N)?" Kyoya asked. "I'll wear your damn dress!!" Honi-senpai looked extremely happy as well as the Hitachiin twins as they shoved you into a changing room with the dress in your hands. You look down at the black and white cloth in your hands and sigh. Why is it so short? I don't want to show that much skin! You slip the material around your body and look in the mirror. Great, an official host club member my ass, I'm basically their servant and now it's an official with the god damn attire that I'm wearing.

"(Y/N)? Are you finished sis?" You heard Haruhi call out from the other side of the curtain "yeh, yeh I'm just coming". You let out another sigh and open the curtains, wiping invisible dust off your skirt. You look up expecting to see Haruhi but instead seeing the whole host club. You stood there looking at them with a shocked expression, your face was extremely warm and you could see in the mirror behind them that you were blushing like crazy. You looked at their faces and they too wear blushing. "S-stop staring at me like that!"

"MY DAUGHTER IS ADORABLE!" Tamaki shouts whilst hugging you for about the millionth time today (remind you of anybody?)"g-get off me senpai!" You pushed him away and stood there with your arms folded. "I put on your stupid dress! Now w-what?" Everyone was silent and it looks like they were thinking about something. "(Y/N) I have decided! You're going to become a host!"
Wait WHAT!? No no no no no, oh god no. "But senpai! I d-don't want to become a h-host"..."but you'd be perfect at it~" the twins purred in your ears. Where did they come from!? You jumped at the sudden movement. You looked at Haruhi and she just shrugged her shoulders "I think it would be a good idea sis, you could do with some more socialising". Great, I can't even count on Haruhi to help now.

"What type-" Kaoru started "-should (Y/N) be boss?" Hikaru finished, You looked over at them, type? What do they mean type?. Tamaki thought for a while before pointing at you. "you shall be the shy type!" Ooh great, fantastic news.

"Ok let me get this straight, first you don't allow me to leave which is basically keeping me in prison, second you basically make me a maid against my own will and now you're doing the same but making me a host!?" You stop to take a breath, you hadn't said that much to anyone other than Haruhi in a long time. They all look at you and smile "sounds about right" the twins say whilst laughing. You just sigh and make your way back to the changing rooms to get back into your school uniform. These damn rich people thinking they can do what they want. You look up at the ceiling and close your eyes. "*sigh* mum what have I gotten myself into"

(A/N): why hello there my lovelies! Just a quick note, should I follow the story of the actual anime? Or should I just make up a story as I go along?
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Author-chan out! ❤️

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