Mitskuni ending

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(Y/N)'s POV
You and honi had been dating for over a week and everything was going smoothly. He would even arrive at your house sometimes with a box filled with your favourite deserts and flowers. He was just adorable and you loved him. Waking up you slam your hand down on your alarm and stretch out your arms, looking out your window you see the sun shine beaming into your room and giving it a golden glow. You hummed to yourself as you got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen for some well needed breakfast. I wonder what today will bring.

~time skip brought to you by Usa-chan~

You walked into music room #3 and were tackled in a hug by a certain small blonde. "(Y/N)-chan you made it! I was so worried about you" you smiled nervously and hugged him back as you looked at him, confused. "What do you mean? What's happened?" His eyes began watering as you scanned the faces of the other hosts. Why are they all serious? Honi was too busy crying beside you to be able to explain what he meant. You turned to Kyoya for help. Pushing up his glasses he began scribbling down notes in his black book. "He means the thugs that are supposedly after you" your eyes widened as you looked at Haruhi, who had a scared and fierce expression. She nodded to clarify that it were true. Your brows furrowed as you placed your thumb under your chin, deep in thought. Maybe I can try and out-smart these 'thugs' so then the hosts don't have to get involved. You smiled sweetly at them and hugged honi tightly "I'm sure it'll be fine you guys, don't worry okay?" They looked at you confused as to why you were handling it so well and then shrugged their shoulders, going back to what they were doing before you entered the room. You looked down at honi "I'm gonna' go home honi-senpai, there's some studying I need to do" He looked at you sternly before kissing your cheek and smiling "okay (Y/N)-chan! Don't worry about those thugs, me and Takashi will crush them!" You looked quickly up at Mori who was now standing behind him as he nodded in agreement. You laughed nervously and waved your hands infront of you "N-no please don't it'll be okay! I'm sure it's nothing anyway" honi and mori shared quizzical glances before slowly nodding. You excused yourself before waving and pushing the doors open into the hallway. You shut it behind you and sigh. I won't let them worry, I refuse. You started walking down the hall, books clutched to your chest, and looked behind you to check if anyone was there. You started walking faster, into a jog, and then ran to the front door. You stopped, realising the host club can see you from here, you didn't dare look up as you knew they would find out that you were up to something just by the look of your face. You started walking, not running, onto the pavement and turned the corner out of the view from the school.

You shoved your books inside your bag and made your way to the nearest shop. I can get a replica of Kyoya's black notebook and replace it when he isn't looking. You smiled to yourself triumphantly as you made your way to the stationary section. You scanned the notebooks with your index finger and picked them up one by one, making sure it looked exactly the same. Yes! I've found one, I'll try and replace it with Kyoya's tomorow and maybe his will tell me about those thugs. You got out your purse and went up to the cash machine. An elderly woman was standing behind the counter with a large but fake smile. She had smooth skin for the age that she was and had way too much makeup on her face. She greeted you and smiled through gritted teeth. "Hello miss! How can I help you today?" It was obvious that she hated the job and you hesitated whether to act like you cared or not. "Hi, just this please" you handed her the notebook and the change needed. Scanning it she handed you it back rather carelessly and waved goodbye as you did the same and made your way out of the shop. "Thank god I wasn't in there for very long" you started walking down the road with the notebook in hand, holding it to your chest as if protecting it with your very life.

You started growing anxious. It was getting dark and the streets were oddly silent. It's a neighbourhood, who's gonna try and attack me here? You walked at a quicker pace as you could see your house at the end of the road.
You had just relaxed as two figures placed their hands on your shoulders, you tried screaming but they covered your mouth with their hand. Using your legs to kick they pick you up and place a bag over your head, it was too dark to see what they looked like. You decided to keep calm as your eyes darted back and forth, trying to make sense of your surroundings through a sea of black. I'm in a car? But who's is it. You breathed in and out, hoping that someone would've seen you getting kidnapped and would come to your aid. Just as the car came to a hault they pulled you out and carried you into a building. Placing you on a chair they take off the bag from over your head and your eyes widen.

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