Koaru ending (part 2)

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(Y/N)'s POV
Koaru looked, good. Too good. Ugh stupid Koaru, having to look all handsome and everything. You made your way to the girls bathroom and locked yourself in the stall, you didn't exactly need to do anything but you went in all the same. Sighing you place your elbows on your knees and rest your face in your palms, what happened to me back there? You concentrated on your breathing. In and out, in....and out. It calmed you down, but you were still confused. Is something wrong with me? Am I..going mad? You shook the thought from your head. You were perfectly fine, but the voices said differently.

~time skip~

It was break. Your second favourite part of the day, what was your favourite? Lunch time of course. You hummed and smiled to yourself as you walked over to Haruhi who was reading some sort of textbook, "studying again Haruhi?" Laughing she looked up and slid a piece of paper in her book to remind her where she left off. "Of course, something to pass time" rolling your eyes you sit across from her at a rather small table and cross your legs. "I wouldn't exactly say studying was the greatest way to pass time, maybe reading a non-fiction book would be more enjoyable?"  She shook her head and placed her book in her bag. "For some reason I prefer studying" she stood up and lifted her bad as you copied her and headed towards the door. "Yano' what time it is Haruhi?" She checked her watch "11:10?" Punching her arm playfully you laughed "no silly, it's snack time!" You grabbed her arm and ran with her to the canteen. You drooled over the many cakes and pastry's that were lined up neatly in a glass case. "Oh man these look amazing!" You grabbed your purse, getting the money you needed, and placed it on the counter in-front of the cashier. "Two Oreo cake slices please!" (Ahhhh they're to die for) she smiled and nodded handing you your change and heading over to get your food and placed it on a plate. "Mmh~looks good, let's go Haruhi" taking both plates you escort her to a small table in the corner as you both sat down and started eating. You were getting many glares from girls around the room. Ah yes, I forgot Haruhi was known as a boy. You glared back. Surely they should know your 'his' sister by now. It wasn't exactly a secret at this point.

You were just about to place another delicious spoon full of cake in your mouth as the room started to spin. You gritted your teeth together and closed your eyes, hoping to surpass the pain. Ugh, fucking hell what's happening? "(Y/N)?..." you didn't answer her you only placed your spoon back on your plate rather abruptly, making a loud noise as it collided with the metallic surface. "(Y/N) what's wrong?" You placed your hand over your mouth as your eyes widened. You stood up. "I...i think I'm gonna be sick!" You ran as fast as you could to the toilets and pushed the door open. It collided with the wall. Your stomach wretched as your throat was burning and it stung from the acid. You collapsed on the floor, wiping your mouth with some toilet roll as you flushed whatever fluid was there. Your breathing was hitched as your lungs felt like someone was squeezing them with their hands, you went onto your hands and knees forgetting that you had forgotten to lock the bathroom stall door. The voices, they won't stop. Please. Please make them stop! You were crying by this point, your tears landing on the tiled floor. You had your eyes closed and your hands on your head, gripping at your hair. Your'e hyperventilating, you need to calm down. You focused on breathing properly. That was your main concern. Nothing was working why isn't anything working! The tears wouldn't stop, they kept going like someone had just ripped open the walls of the river and were no longer in control of stopping it.

You finally looked up, only now realising the crowd that surrounded you. A group of girls were circling your stall, some with concerned faces and others with scared expressions. You stood up, wobbling on your feet and tried to make it out of the bathroom and into the hallway. The girls caught you as you fell and you noticed two people infront of you, you recognised them but their speech was fuzzy, you couldn't hear them. "We ne...her....nur...hurry!" You closed your eyes as your brain and lungs felt incredibly tired. And you were finally in peace. Quietness fell over you as you fell into a deep slumber.

~time skip~

You could hear mumbles of speech as you tried to open your eyes. They were too heavy. You could hear beeping and it smelled awful at...well, wherever you were. Where am I anyway? You were finally able to open your eyes and regretting instantly. Being blinding by bright lights and white walls, but you could see three figures standing talking by the door. Your hearing became easier as you were in full control of what was happening again. It was Koaru and Hikaru. They were talking to a woman in white carrying a clipboard, her badge read "Karen". You decided to listen in to there conversation. After all, they didn't realise you were awake.

"Is she going to be okay?" Kaoru sounded worried, anxious maybe. The nurse nodded and smiled sadly. "She'll be alright. She was having a panic attack, hyperventilating. It's nothing serious I promise you" he nodded his head reluctantly, it didn't seem like nothing serious to him. Haruhi was staring blankly at a wall, seemingly deep in thought as she had her hand placed under her chin. "Do you know what caused this?" You mockingly laughed inside your head. He would of told you if he fucking knew 'Karen'. He shook his head "no I'm afraid not, I saw her earlier today and she seemed fine"

You decided to sit yourself up as you hissed in pain and grabbed your head. Kaoru, Haruhi and the nurse all turned around to face you. "(Y/N)!" They both hugged you tightly as you croakily laughed and tried pushing them away. "I'm fine guys, really. Just a blip that's all" Karen smiled at you as she checked your heart beat and wrote a little note on her peace of paper. "Seems like your ok Miss.Fujioka. I'll go talk to the doctor and be back in a bit to give you guys some time" she closed the door behind her as Haruhi hugged you one last time and glanced at Kaoru. Smiling she walked over to the door "you wanting some water (Y/N)?" You nodded your head and smiled slightly at her as she closed the door, silence fell over the both of you.

You heard Koaru sigh beside you as you turned to face him. He was intently looking at you with a stern expression. "What's wrong (Y/N)?...somethings wrong I KNOW there is. Haruhi wouldn't even fully tell us what happened to you when you left school...you're obviously still not over it.." you thickly swallowed the built up saliva in your mouth as your voice refused to co-operate. You opened your mouth to speak but all that came out was a quiet sound. "Please...let me help. Stop bottling up emotions it's not good for you!" His eyes were watering. He's crying...because of me. You didn't know what to do but hug him, and that's what you did. You flung your arms around him and burst into a flood of tears. "I-I'm so sorry Koaru! I k-know I shouldn't hide things but it's h-hard Yano? I...I can't express things" He was dumbfounded by your sudden emotion but gladly hugged back. "I know (Y/N) but please try" You nodded your head and hid your face in his jumper. He pulled back and looked you in the eye. "I have a question to ask. Will you.." he cleared his throat "will you be my girlfriend?" He looked at you hesitatingly, waiting for an answer. Your eyes widened as tears spilled out from them. You smiled brightly "of course I will!" You hugged him once more.

You felt happy. Happier than you've felt in years. You found your darkness in the light. Is this what love felt like? How could brightness of your world be held by one person, one heart?

He was your knight in shining armour, he was your Koaru.

Sorry this one was so long! I got too carried away. Hope you liked It though because I loved writing this one.

Please comment to tell me your opinions.

Author-chan out! ❤️

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