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I can't believe what he has just said to me. For eight years he has decided to end everything that we've worked for.

Every tower of dreams we have had for each other has slowly tumbled down. Every hope I've had has been crumbled into ruins. Every blood that has ran through my veins has been drained. Every beat of my heart has slowly throbbed in pain.

Why did he do that?

I've thought for a long time that we'll end up together and raise our own kids in the seaside.

What has happened to those dreams?

Does he also have the same dreams?

Am I the only one fool enough to dream for a happy ending for both of us?


(a/n : The POV changes in some chapters. The first few chapters begin with Kitty. Ethan enters in the middle chapters. And then, Kitty again, and then Ethan.)


* The revision is still on-going, so I'm sorry for the grammar lapses.😅

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