New york?

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Nicole was asleep on my chest for the first time in at least 3 days. We have have found 2 notes and none of the girls. Nicole is trying to get ahold of her aunts and uncles. I feel my eyes begin to get heavy. I take one last look at Nicole and fall alsleep... not for long.

All of a sudden Nicole woke up out of a deep sleep.

"New York! My babies!"


"Gerard, the girls are in New york. We need to leave … Now."

"Lets go."

We grab a bag and throw some clothes in it. And run out of the door.

"What if their tiny bodies.. "

"Nicole don't think like that. They are okay."

" But!"

"Say it!"

"No butts, those are for grabbing."

I take a right and head towards the police station. We stop at the stop sign when all of a sudden the car that kinda seems as if they have been following us. Pulls out two guns and start shooting at us.

"Get Down!"

I scream to Nicole as I hit the gas pedal and drive. They are on our tail. 

"Nicole, Hold on!"

I say as I cut through three lanes and get on the highway. Of course its full of traffic.

"Baby get out! Get out!"

I say as I push her out of the car. I grab the bag and open the special hatch, I had put in the car after the first car chase and grab the gun.

"Baby they are coming!"

She yells at me.

"Come on!"

I grab her hand and half pull her and half run her as we jump over cars and squeeze and run through the open spaces.

Some retard short Guy has opened his door. Oh my God its Frank and Zach. Wait why is Frank

dressed up as... Nicole? When we reach the car Zach grabs Nicole and throws her into the car and pushes Frank into me.

"Frank  the hell is going on?"

"We need Nicole safe keep running!"

" Where is Zach taking her?"

"Dude to hell. The fuck he is taking her to the police station."


I take his hand and slide over the red nysan and grab him. The man in the car threw up his middle finger. So Frank broke his window by kicking it. We started laughing. But soon realised that we were being shot at.

I ran with Frank in my hand down the hill. Into the forest. We climbed the tree and saw the 4 men whoo were shooting at us.

"The hell those to fuckers go." The fatter one yelled.

"Who knows Boss is not going to like this. I mean we got one of his children dead but the one that is healthy is still alive." The short red haired one said.

"Who the fuck cares, just leave the note."

So they walk away and drop the note. Oh great. As they walk away we slowly climb down the tree. When we get to the ground Frank stares at me. I take a deep breath and pick it up.

Oh dear, dear ,dear, Nicole. You have unriddled the first not you are correct. New York. But you never had the time to say it to anybody and dear it took long so they are long gone. No not dead. You may be wondering how I knew. It's because we bugged your house. Everything you say we hear. This is the next clue.

Your two girls are good. They are nice.They are sweet. Because of this it's a nice place they are at. Room. Maybe single. In the mountains or the valleys. Have a fun time where every your grandfather was buried. Have with the next one. Enjoy love.


You know what I'm done with clues.



You guys thank you. For reading voting all that jazz. You guys are fricking amazing hope you enjoy this filler chapter. Soon the two wondering parents will go on a trip to some where wonderful.;)

Signing off killjoys ~smarty1221

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