The letter

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I closed the door behind me when I walked out to confront Mikey . I came close to his smirking face.

"What the hell did you do?"

"To him I poisoned his drink and stabbed him."

"Why would you do that Mikey ?He is your fucking brother!"

"He also stole the girl I fell deeply in love with."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I love you Nicole, I've loved you since I met you. Yet you and Gerard fell in love. What am I supposed to do! "

I slapped Mikey and ran back to Gerard. I opened his door and looked at him my heart broke again. Not for me but for him because he doesn't know his brother tried killing him.

"Gerard. Please get better. please. Wake up."

When all of a sudden his eyes fluttered open.

"Can you hear me Gerard? Blink once for yes ;two for no."

He blinked once, and I began to cry.

"Nurse Nurse!" I screamed.

The nurse with blonde hair came running in.

"What? What's wrong?"

"He's conscious!"

"Honey, he isn't. I'm sorry. "

"No watch!"

I brought her closer to the bed, Gerard I yelled but his eyes stayed close, the only sound in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor. The nurse rubbed my back and left the room. I swear he blinked. I swear he did.

But he didn't he's not doing well, and they don't think he's going to make it. They didn't tell me, they told his mom and his brother. But Zach and I could tell, we could tell that fake smile she smiled when she came back into his room saying he is going to be fine. We could tell her she needed to tell herself that.

My mind was going rapid with thoughts when all of a sudden his heart monitor stopped and an alarm went off sending at least seven people in the room.

One after another they were pumping his chest. The one intern it looked Luke escorted me out leaving me out of the loop.  After about a half hour they shut off the machines and let me in the room, the doctor came to me.

"I'm so, sorry. " Was all he could make out. My knees buckled, and I fell. I don't know exactly what I could do, what I could say or anything. 

I walked into his room to see him there. His body bare, his firey red hair greasy, his hands cold, nothing of what he usually looked like. He usually was always wearing a shirt except for bed he always took care of his hair never was it greasy or filled with products. I use to laugh at him saying he was a human furnace constantly warm. I climbed into bed with him, laying my head on him for the last time. 

"Gerard I am so sorry. My love I will always love you."

I brushed his hair with my hands to get it out of his face, usually he would say get off of me or don't touch my hair.

The nurse came in.

"Hi honey, we need to take him down to the morgue."

I nodded my head and got off of the bed. she pulled the sheet over his head and began to walk off with his dead body. I fell down again, I began sobbing and hyperventilating. When all of a sudden I saw a piece of paper. I began to read it.


       My love for you is unbelievable and amazing. If I could do anything for you it would be not to leave you, but I can't do that. I need to get some things off my chest, first of all I love you please never forget that. Get remarried have more children make a family, don't let me ever hold you back . There is going to be a new guy in your life that treats you and the girls well, don't compare him to me because that's not right. Second, the day I met you I fell in love with you but so did someone else. Mikey , so the official second thing is that Mikey stabbed me he has been working for your father the whole time, that's how he knew so much . The last thing, Nicole the thing I will miss most about being on earth is being with you. but then again I'm always going to be with you, and the girls take good care of them for me let them see their uncles and aunts and my mom. Please no matter how much pain it causes you forget about me, don't forget I love you but forget the last few days where I was sick and couldn't move because its getting pretty bad. Your beautiful little head is sleeping on my chest as a write this and I will miss it.

      xoxoxo love you ~Gerard

p.s don't forget, no butts those are for grabbing.



So you guys its almost over I want to thank you for the content encouragement, Gerard way and me is the first book I've ever written but I love you guys so much by the way don't think I'm not going to stop writing  because writing is like herion you can't stop after you've started. plus don't hate me when its over.

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