This is Harder then I thought

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As he waved the police officer looked at me and then him and pushed him to make him start walking. 

"You sure you want to do this?"

"Yes I need to. I need to see him punished for what he has done."

"Okay baby." Gerard says as he takes me and hugs me, every time he touches me its like another beautiful dream come true, and yes I know that it sounds cheesy but I love him with all my heart and he means so much to me. 

" You ready?" 

"As I'll ever be."

We took small steps into the large Court house, I was here once when I was small. Again for my father, he punched my 7th grade teacher. Susan krotic . I hated her so it didn't phase me since she was a bitch anyways. 

 I didn't notice that he was really laughing as everybody watched him and I. One eye on him the other on him. It didnt bother me when others looked at me, as soon as I have become a way I have been looked at a lot. 

Krotic was the first one up, she was polite and sweet (as anyone could be in this situation). When she was done she looked right at me and I saw a tear roll down her face, you never really understand how much the people you may have hated at one point in your life, really mean something to you, small or large. She was sweet to me in 7th grade and I still really hated her. But I only hated her because my father hated her. 

Gerard touched my leg and had my train of thought lost, he looked at me and smiled his adorable fake smile to try and give me some type of hope. But the only hope I will ever have again is when I can take my daughters to a park without a police officer with us at all time, or when I can finally sleep in the same bed with just my husband because my daughters are no longer scared that someone will try and take them. That is when I will have hope come back to me. 

It was Rays turn to go up. They continued to ask him questions about me, my father, my mother, everything. Its kinda weird if you think about it, twelve unknown people soon learn your whole life story. But if that means that I will finally have my peace of mind then so be it. I can even pee in a cup for them if they want. Anything. 

After about ten minutes Ray said thank you and came down. It was my turn to go up and make a stand against my father. I trembled in fear , not in talking in front of people or even seeing my father. It was the stupid twelve juriers. I got up anyways and walked up. 

They said the same old boring stuff you hear when you watch law and order.

'Mrs. --" He stopped to look at his papers and me being the rude bitch I am I say it for him.

"Way, Mrs. Way"

'Yes, what happened the night of your disapperance?" 

"I was, well I dont really know. My husband use to have a drinking problem, and one night he, he started to drink again and he hit me. So I ran up the stairs into our bedroom and started to get all of my stuff ready to leave because I will never stay in a abusive relationship, when all of a sudden my mother came in and, thats all I remember, then when I woke up. It was dark and cold and my father was there, he began hiting and kicking me. By that time I knew I was pregant and so did he but he still manged to kick and kick and kick. He then left for a while. I keep telling him. But the flashbacks begin to happen again and I begin to cry. Not for my self but thinking that my daughter could of died. Died because of that ass hole that thougt it was funny that me and my child were in such awful and horrible pain.  I continued to tell the stories, I finally looked up at the rest of the court room when everybody wiped the tears from thier face and my father, oh my father, he was laughing. The only thing I could even think of is. Wrong move Fuck fac.


So you guys how do you like it i am so so so sosososooso sorry that i havent published anything in forever. My phone is broken so whenever i can get on with the desktop is when i can get on. Love you ALL xoxoxoxox ~smarty1221

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