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How am I supposed to respond to that? Am I supposed to be happy that they found a body? Be sad that one of my daughters could be dead. I've never been a good person to cope with anything. So this is a HUGE impact.

I stood up from my seat in the lobby and walked out to the cafeteria.

I went to the drink fountain and grabbed a large cup. I filled it up with sweet tea and sat down in a seat when a girl with blonde hair in a ponytail came to me.

"Umm  ma'am, you never paid for that."

"Well I'm so sorry! I already have a ton of stuff on my mind like how both my girls are gone. How my mother and father are on trial tomorrow. And how they just found a little girls body, it could be Bandit or Laney ! Or it could be another little dead girl. And my brother I JUST found out I had is dead. I got shot at and was in a car chase less then an hour ago. So again sorry I forgot to pay $1.35!"


"Yea. Who are you?"

"Hailey. Hailey Disher, your cousin."

"My mom said she was dead 7 years ago I would know if she was still alive. Because Zach, Hailey and I were inseparable."

"I can prove it to you."

"Try me." I said with a smirk.

"4 th grade Zach got his pants caught on the broken seat at lunch, and you gave him your sweater so he could cover the hole in his pants."

"Hailey?" I said crying.

"Yes!" She said hugging me.

hI heard Zach,Mikey,and Ray calling my name.

"Come on." I said sniffiling. I pulled her to the hallway.

"Wait here.  Zach will be so surprised." She shook her head and hid behind the tall fake tree.

"Guys, I'm over here."

They all ran and hugged me.

"Gerard went down to his car Franks with him and he's trying to control his crying, he just hates how he does this to you. "

"Gerard. He can be such a nerd sometimes. Hailey come here."

"Nicole Hailey's dead."

"Then who's they hottie?" Ray asked.

"Grown up Hailey." I winked and ran to Gerard's car. I stopped before I took the elevator and looked and Zach was balling.

   I pressed the basement floor button.  Its probably not safe for me to be by myself but who cares. When it stopped I put my sunglasses on and my hood up.  And walked to his car.

"Baby?" He whispered.

"Hey." I said with a small smile.

"Frank could you give us a minute?"

"Of course!" He replied.

Frank opened the passanger door and got up and out and waited for me to get in till he closed the door.

"Mikey told me why your crying."

"I just couldn't be strong anymore, I just..."

"Broke down?"


"Gerard. Don't." I said holding his head in my left hand as I wiped tears from his eyes with my right hand.

"Don't what?"

"Try to be strong all the time. Our girls are gone, I would of thought you cried a while ago."

He chuckled and smiled.

"There is my beautiful husband."

"Thanks, I wrote you a song."

"Baby, really!?"


"Here it goes like this."

He reached into the back where he kept a pile of CDs. He looked through 3 and picked one that said m

My love = Run

He put it to the player and waited a few measures. Then began singing.

oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Remember make believe in you.  All the things I said I said I do.  

wouldn't hurt you like the world did me keep you safe I keep you sweet. everything that I went through I'm grateful you wont have to do.

I know that you will have to fall.

I can't hide you from it all.

take the best of what I got. and you know no matter what before you walk away. you know you can always

RUN.. RUN... RUN...

Back to my arms back to arms.

RUN.. RUN.. RUN...

Back to my arms Back to my arms.

And they will hold you down. they will hold you down.

Here's the bloody bloody truth.

you will hurt and you will lose.

I got scars you wont believe wear them proudly on my sleeves.

I hope you have the sense to know that sadness comes and sadness goes. love so hard and play life loud that's the only thing to give a damn about!

Take the beat of what I got. and you know no matter what before you walk away, you can

RUN...RUN.... RUN....

Back to my arms Back to my Arms

RUN.... RUN.... RUN...

Back to my arms.

And they will hold you down.They will hold you down.

All this time I swear ill never waste it. all your smiles I'm always going to save them put em's inthe back of my mind

whenever I'm away from you

whenever I'm away from you. 


back to your arms BA k to your arms


Back to your arms back to your arms

And they will hold you down..

RUnn.RUN .. RUN.

Back to my arms back to my arms.

"Gerard that was.."



"I love you."

"I love you too!"

And we kissed.

"Baby we'll find those girls."


"Now come meet my Best  friend Hailey!" I said pulling him out of the car.

"Babe. there's another note."



Hey guys so that song is a real song not from him but P!NK. So I hope you like it. The Hailey character is going to be a big part of the story. Hope you guys love it tell your friends. and internet friends! Comment vote and all that jazz okay killjoys signing off ~smarty1221

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