Basketball Life

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I took a break from talking to my teammates and took it all in. This was it. Junior Year. The year that everyone says is the toughest. The year we try our hardest to get attention from colleges and try to maintain our GPA. I looked at all of the other students in my homeroom class. To the right of me were a group of cheerleaders laughing about some team that messed up a routine or something. Then I as the "popular kids" the kids everyone wished to be friends with. I never understood that cuz they are all gonna go no where in life. They are all involved in drugs and alcohol all the time. Even being a part of that for a second can mess up my chances in getting into a good college. I looked and saw some of the girl basketball players. I never really talked to them for some reason, considering I'm on the varsity boys team, but they seemed really nice. The only one I really knew from the girls team was their point guard Penny, since we were the same position. I'm just not that good at talking to girls as some of my teammates are. I mean, girls seem to really like me for some reason, it's just that I don't talk to them well. Then I saw some girl sitting by herself studying her textbook. I think her name was Peyton. How the hell was she studying the FIRST day of school before class even started!? I felt kinda bad, I've seen her around and no one really talked to her for some reason. I guess she was always caught up in some book.

Mrs. Wilson: okay class! Time to take role! 

I was totally zoned out on the girl with the book... I felt like I just had to talk to her, but then again I'm not good at talking to girls.

Mrs. Wilson: Jacob Latimore?


Mrs. Wilson: JACOB!

Me: oh here! Sorry!

She took the rest of the role as we all just sat there talking. I turned back to my friends on the team that I was talking to earlier.

Daniel was the power forward on the team. He was a great ball player but he constantly asked for help with his school work. It seemed that no matter how hard he tried he would never do better. Justin was the shooting guard of the team and the bully of the school. We all know a kid who was held back a few times that seems to never graduate right? Well Justin was that kid. The only people he never bullied was us, his teammates. Trevor was the center of our team, but he's been acting kinda strange lately, normally he is the life of the team but now he barely talks to us. It all started in July during our summer A.A.U. basketball season. One day he was his normal self, then the next day he barely smiled and it's been like that ever since. We all are curious about him, but he always just says it's nothing. Riley, our small forward, we aren't all that close to him. He was sitting with all of the popular kids right now with his girlfriend Amaya. He's nice and an awesome ball player, it's just that we don't have much in common and all he talks about is Amaya. That gets so annoying. And me, well yeah I'm Jacob, the point guard of the team. I mean what can I say, I get all the ladies! Who can resist the point guard? I mean I've had several girlfriends but they are all the same, they don't want a real relationship, just a baby. 

This highschool life is tough man, and I am just so excited that we are almost done.

Welp! This is the intro to the new story! I know it's a little rough, but it will be good I promise!

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