Sparks Will Fly

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So, it was 12:30 p.m. which only meant one thing, it was time for the cooking competition. Me and Jacob were at the stoves ready for the cook off. Peyton printed off recipes for us and Penny and Trevor  went to get all of the ingredients before hand, so we were more than ready for this. Penny, Trevor, Daniel, and Peyton were all currently sitting at the counter top in the high chairs ready to judge. 

Daniel: Okay, competition begins in 3....2....1! GO!

I scattered to get the pan and quickly melt the butter for the pan. Then I got a pot, filled it halfway with water, and boiled the noodles. I also fried the shirmp, making sure to stay on top of my game. I decided to not even focus on Jacob, only because I didn't want him to distract me. Truth is, I really can't cook to save my life, but I got myself into this mess, and I was going to come out on top. 

I got the seasoning for the butter and mixed that together, soon adding the melted noodles to it, when suddenly I saw a bright light out of the corner of my eye. My shrimp caught on fire. Now I'm not talking about a little spark, or a small flame, I'm talking a big ass fire on my stove. 

Jacob: OMG! 

I tried my hardest to put an end to the fire, I even used the extinguisher, but the fire was just too powerful.


They wasted no time, but I had to go upstairs to get my parents out of the house.

I got to their room only to see them lying comfortably on the bed.


They didn't bother to ask me how it started, they grabbed the little things they could and we made our way out the house, just in time. I spotted my friends on the other side of the street watching my house slowly burn down. No one said a word. We all just stood their hugging one another. 

Trevor called the police as soon as he got outside and the fire department shortly arrived. We watched them put out the fire little by little. 

It's crazy how fast things can happen you know. One second, your having a blast with your friends, the next your house is on fire. I began to cry, realizing that I never should've done that contest in the first place, knowing that I can't cook. 

Trevor: It's okay Kenya..

Me: No it's not Trevor! My house is pretty much gone, and it's all because I had to go and be ridiculous accepting a contest I had no chance in anyways! I can't believe I could be so stupid!

I walked over to my parents a few houses down.

Me: Mom, Dad, I am truly sorry. It's all my fault.

Dad: Well what happened?

Me: Jacob and I were having a cook off an-

Dad: I knew those friends of yours were no good.

Me: But Da-

Dad: I don't want you associating yourself with them any more Kenya. 

Me: WHAT!?

Dad: You heard me young lady.

Me: Mom??

Mom: I'm gonna have to agreee with your father on this one honey...

Me: But it wasn't even their fault! It was me! I was the one who burned the house down!

Mom: You always seem to make stupid decisions when your with those kids. You need to focus on school and cheer. Those kids are just a distraction.

Me: "THOSE KIDS" are my best friends mom, it's not for you and Dad to say who I can and can't be friends with. Every single one of them has helped me through my toughest times... I don't know what I would do with out them.

Dad: It's simple, without them, you will succeed. You will be the girl all colleges will want, and the girl every one will see cheering on television! You're not allowed to associate with them, and that is final. 

Me: Well, I guess I haven't just lost my best friends, I also lost my parents. 

I turned to go back to my friends, tears pouring down my face.

Peyton immidately saw me and ran up to me.


Me: I'm.... I'm...

Pey: What is it?

Me: *sigh* My parents said I'm not allowed to associate with you guys any more....

I saw Peyton's face drop. All I saw in her face was hurt, and it pained me to see my best friend like that. 

Pey: Are you serious?

Me: I wish I wasn't.... I can't believe my parents are doing this to me! *I broke down crying again* What have I done?

Peyton reached out and hugged me, and the rest of our friends came over to us. 

Penny: What's happening?

Pey: Kenya's parents doesn't want her associating with us anymore...

Everyone: WHAT!?

Daniel: You've gotta be kidding me!

Me: I wish I was... I think it's best if you guys go, I don't want my parents yelling at me anymore.

Jacob: Man forget your parents, your house just burned down, we aren't gonna leave you just yet. 

Everyone else: Yeah!

Me: Thanks guys, I will really miss hanging out with you guys...

Pey: Oh trust me... we'll still hang out. Just on the down low! We got school, games, everything!

Me: I guess you're right!

Trevor: But Kenya, what about me?

Me: I guess we gotta keep our relationship on the down low too, there's no way I'm losing you again after everything we just went through.

Trevor didn't say anything after that, he just came up to hug me. 

Me: I truly do love you guys.... thanks for everything.

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