It All Falls Down

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*Justin POV*

Some of yall may not know my story, but you know my name and reputation. Some call me the school bully, but I beg to differ. I'm the only starting senior on the basketball team, so I try my hardest to keep the other boys in check. Even if it's not my team mates, if I see someone that needs to be taken care of, I do it. I show them how to become a man. It's my job.

Right now, me and the guys were having our first game of the season... it was an away game though. I gotta admit, away games are kinda horrible. For starters, you got a whole school of kids callin you and your boys names, then you got no one cheering for you. It was weird having no one cheer for me again. You get so used to it, that when the real season begins, it's pretty weird. 

Anyways, we got into our offensive positions as Jacob dribbled the ball coming down the court. We payed close attention waiting for him to give us the play. He held up four fingers, that meant it was Trevor's play. Jacob did a fake move on the guy in front of him, side passed it to Diggy, then he quickly passed it towards the front, where Trevor stood right under the basket. His job was just to make the dunk by getting pass the guy in front of him. Normally, he would've made it easily, but tonight he missed it. The opponent jumped up and blocked his dunk, causing Trevor to be forced to sit out the rest of the game, considering there was only 3 mins left. 

We lost by 1 point. 

No one had talked to Trevor the whole bus ride home. I remember I heard Diggy talking about how Trevor needed to get his life away from basketball together. I have no idea what that could've meant. I made Trevor break up with Kenya, so that can't be distracting him. Maybe it's something to do with his family. I don't know, but whatever it is, it needs to end. Now.


I was still at school, ending our late practice, since tomorrow was the first basketball game for my team. I decided I should stay late and wait for Jacob to get back to the school to give me a ride back home. That way I can hear about how his game went. I also will be able to hopefully knock some sense into Justin for basically forcing Trevor to break up with my homegirl like that. 

I played Don't Step on the White Tile on my phone, man that game rocks. During then I was chilling on the floor listening to some music near the window, so I could see when their bus pulled up. I wasn't expecting it to take this long, I was on the floor for at least an hour by now, so I knew something was seriously up. I tried calling Jacob, but he didn't pick up. Now I knew something had to be wrong cuz he ALWAYS picks up on the first ring. 

I sighed and just decided to call Peyton to pick me up since I didn't drive today.

Me: Hey Pey, can you pick me up from school?

Peyton: Dude it's literally 11:30 why are you still at school?

Me: We had a late practice, and I was waiting for the boy's bus to get here so Jacob could take me home... but they never came. 

Peyton: Well did you call him?

Me: Yeah! I think something's wrong Pey... just... *sigh* can you please get me?

Peyton: Okay... but I'm wearing Mickey Mouse PJs and Domo slippers so don't make fun of me.

Me: Haha will do.

I sat up and looked out the window. There were no more cars left in the parking lot, besides the ones that belonged to the basketball boys. The school they went to was only 30 mins away... they should've been here by now! Jacob texted me when he was done with the game, but I just don't understand why he stopped answering. 

Peyton's car shortly pulled up and she waved from the car. I grabbed my things and made my way over. I felt my pocket buzzing, looked down, and saw that Jacob was calling me. I dropped all my other things and picked up the phone as fast as I could.


???- Excuse me miss... uh Penny. This is Robert Brown from the Lake Springs Hospital, I'm sorry to inform you that the bus your friend was on was in a very horrible accident about an hour ago. 

Me:... thanks.

Next thing I know, I was on the ground crying with Pey screaming what was wrong.

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