Paradise in Parks

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*Kenya's POV*

Today, I decided to take a break from chilling with my cheer team, to just relax, so I met up with my favorite couple, Amaya and Riley, at the park. I felt kinda like a thrid wheel at some times, but most of the time we were all just walking around talking about our first day of school experiences.

Riley: Yeah, and then she told Daniel that he aint even the one who makes all the shots on the team! She totally put him in his place!

Amaya: Omg, Penny needs to chill!

Me: Amaya, don't even lie. We all know if Jacob wasn't on the team, they would be NOTHING. No offense Riley!

Riley: Hahaha I can't argue! Jacob just some serious skill!

Me: Yeah! See, I love being able to get to watch all these games all thanks to cheer! Plus I get to cheer on my little superstars! *pinches Riley's cheeks*

Amaya: Aye, back on up! 

Me: Hahaha! I ain't takin your man boo, trust!

Riley: Hahaha okay okay okay, Kenya, is it okay if me and Amaya take a walk, kinda by ourselves?

Me: Oh of course! Don't let me stop yall from being together! Go on ahead you too!

Riley and Amaya: Haha okay!

And with that, they left me. I said it didn't bother me, but it really did. I hated being left alone. Since it was about 7:00, most of the younger kids were gone, so I decided to climb up on the playground and sit at the top of the slide to just think about how this year was gonna go. I took out my earphones and phone, and began playing Miss America by J. Cole. 

Junior year meant so much. There was gonna be so much competition with cheerleading since we were getting so much better, prom is this year, we had to learn so much about different colleges, and we had to begin planning for what we wanna do for the rest of our lives. Gosh, I just wish it was still summer. I layed down, on the platform at the top of the playground and began to slowly drift off, not giving a fuck about when I would wake up. I just wanted to stay here forever.

*Trevor's POV*

All I heard was screaming and yelling. My parents were having another one of their usual fights. No matter how loud I blasted my music, it never seemed to be enough to ignore it. I hated when my parents fought like this. I hated even more that my younger brother had to deal with this as well. 

Frustrated, I walked to my brother Josh's room.

Me: Hey lil man, wanna go for a walk to the park?

Josh: Sure!

He was only 7, so all he wanted to do was play. He was such an innocent kid, and the fact that my parents put my little brother through this as well, made me really upset. 

I walked behind him as he rode his scooter to the park. Once we got there, he layed down his scooter, and I began to push him on the swing. I began to think about what would happen once I left for college after senior year. What would happen with my parents? What about Josh?

Josh: Hey, I'm gonna go down the slide!

Me: Alright! Be careful!

I took a seat down to the nearest bench to wait for him to climb up, however once he got to the top, I heard him scream.


I climbed to the top as fast as I could, only to see my little brother next to a girl laying on the ground, with some headphones in. 

Josh: Is she dead?

Me: Haha I don't think so buddy.

I sat down next to the girl and shook her awake.

Me: Hey, are you okay?

???: Yeah, wait.... Trevor?

Me: Yeah, do I know you? You seem so familiar

???: Yeah, I'm Kenya! One of the cheerleaders, you are really good at basketball by the way. 

Me: Thanks, uhh but can I ask what you are doing up here?

Kenya: Oh, I was with Amaya and Riley, but they wanted alone time so I came up here to enjoy the view. I guess I kinda dozed off. 

Me: Haha! Oh, this is my brother Josh! Josh, say hello to Kenya

Josh: Hi!

Kenya: Hahaha hey!

Me: Haha, it's getting late, can I maybe walk you home?

Kenya: Yeah, I'd like that a lot. 

*SO! It's a slow start, I know.... but I will try my best to update every weekend!!!! Keep on reading and voting, and commenting!*

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