Worst Behavior

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I sat in my room on Tumblr, listening to music. My nights were so lonely. I got home from cheer, did my home work, then there was nothing. My parents were always at work, and there was nothing to do. My father has this thing where he can see who I contact on my phone, so I can't talk to any of my friends. Life is just great for me right? 

I wonder what they were doing anyways. I know it was a Tuesday night, but we literally always did things whenever we had the chance. I missed them so much that it actually hurt my heart. It's been a month since my parents said I can't hang out with them. My house was eventually repaired, but my parents were never the same. They barely talk to me. We were struggling with money before the house burned down, and the fire made everything a billion times worse, and on top of it all, I would be going to college after next year. 

I took a deep breath and continued scrolling. All of a sudden, I saw that I had an inbox message on my screen... from trev250. My heart sped up and I smiled at the thought that my boyfriend contacted me. Tumblr was the only way I could contact my friends without my parents knowing.

To: mindlessgiggles 

Hey babe! I'm sort of busy right now, and can't really talk, but I hope you have an amazing night. I want you to know your always on my mind, and I can't wait to see your beautiful smile at school tomorrow. Rest wonderfully beautiful.

From: trev250

I loved that Trevor always knew how to cheer me up. I smiled, shut my laptop and looked at the time. It was now 9:45 so I just decided to go to sleep early since there was nothing else to do. I went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face, eager to see my boyfriend at school tomorrow. No matter what my parents said, they could never take away the fact that my friends are at school with me. 


Me: Guys. I think I know who it is.

Daniel, Jacob, and Pey: WHO?!?!?

Me: I think it's Trevor.


Jacob: Penny! You know he's our good friend! He would never do anything like that!

Pey: Well... why do you think that Penny?

Me: Everyone knows that Daniel, Jacob, and Trevor are the three best friends. If someone was going after both of you, why aren't they going after Trevor huh? They would be going after all three of yall!

Daniel: Nuh uh! It's gotta be Justin! Think about it, he's hella jealous that he sucks at basketball, and me and Jacob are the best on the team! Plus, he's the school bully! He already got Trevor, now it's our turn!

Jacob: Yeah!

Me: I guess that's a good theory too... but I still think mine is right.

Pey: Yeah, I believe Penny. Diggs, weren't you just telling me that Trevor got mad at yall when you were in the hospital? 

Daniel: Yeah, but that was just because we wouldn't help him get back at Justin. See, if Trevor went after anyone, it would be Justin, not us! 

Jacob: Exactly! There was no way it was Trevor anyways! He's a softy!

Me: Everyone has a breaking point Jacob! You don't know for sure!

Jacob: I'm pretty positive it was Justin okay? We'll figure it out sooner or later okay?

Pey: I just want this to end. I'm scared guys. He could do something to me in my sleep, or hurt my family. Plus, I'm small. Like how do I defend myself? 

Daniel: I'll stay here with you tonight!

Pey: No, my parents would freak out... they know how much I like you and they probably wouldn't trust me.

Daniel: Understandable. Your dad seems like he would snap my neck anyways!

Me: Well, I still have that lacrosse stick with me, so I hope I'm okay.

Jacob: I hope so too, all I know though, is that one of you three is next. Actually, probably mainly just either Diggs or Pey cuz he hurt Penny already. 

Pey: If he hurts me... I don't know what I'll do. 

Daniel: Easy, I'll hurt him. And he better not even think about hurting me. 

Jacob: Well, it's getting late. Penny, you ready to go?

Me: Yeah

Daniel: Yeah, I need to head home too Pey.

Pey: Nooo can you please wait till another one of my family members gets here? I'm scared Daniel!

Daniel: Okay...

Me: Bye guys! Be safe!

Jacob: Bye!

And with that, me and Jacob went into his car again. Tomorrow at school, I was gonna be on the look out for sure. No one is gonna get away with busting up my lip and not getting revenge in return. Penny don't play like that. 

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