First Days are the Worst Days

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*Jacob's POV*

The bell rang and we were FINALLY dismissed to first period, I said goodbye to my friends, as I headed to my first class of the day, Physics. Ugh. 

I pushed my way through the crowded halls until I finally got to room 102, and took a seat next to some of my friends, Chris, and Jawan. 

Me: Aye wassup?

Chris: Nothing much, mad that we are back in school though. 

Me: Tru but only another year to go after this! We gotta make it last right?

Jawan: Yep!

I then heard a loud noise, followed by a long sigh. In the doorway, the girl from my home room, Peyton, was standing there looking at the large pile of textbooks on the ground. 

Chris: HA! That girl has some serious issues man. She's the ONLY one who studies the first day back.

Jawan: For real!

Me: Bro, that means nothing. Better than failing everything like you, right Chris?

The whole class started laughing, and I glanced over at Peyton, who finally picked up her books, as she smiled at me. 

Mr. Brown: Alright class, that's enough. Everyone take a seat! So, this semester we will be doing multiple group projects, labs, and tons of working out problems.

Everyone: UGH.

Mr. Brown: And to make it better, you all get your first project today! In pairs, the two of you will calculate the amount of force it takes for you to go from point A to point B. Point A will be at the bottom of a set of stairs and Point B will obviously be the top. Going from various speeds, and the weight of each person, you will find the forcTalk it over with your partner today in class, and I need the results by tomorrow morning, so this will have to be done out of school today! Alright, pick your partners!

I already knew Peyton was gonna be my partner. I felt bad for her when Chris made that joke. I walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

Me: Hey Peyton, you wanna be my partner?

Peyton: Um, yeah sure!

Me: Oh, I'm Jacob by the way.

Peyton: Haha everyone knows who you are Jacob!

Me: Hahaha okay just making sure!

Peyton: So, this project is very simple, all we need is to calculate the distance, time, mass and speed, and plug them into the appropriate formulas, and we should get the forces!

Me: Uhh okay! Gosh! How do you know all of this?

Peyton: Well, I don't carry around all of these books for nothing!

Me: Haha! 

I took a minute to wonder why not many people talk to her. She seemed really sweet, funny, and she was pretty too! I think it was just because she was always focused in the books, that she always turned down parties and everything.

Me: Oh, you can come over to my house for the project after school! I can drive you too!

Peyton: That sounds great! Thanks!

*Penny's POV*

It was finally the last period of the day, and the teacher had finally shut up. But now, all I could hear was Daniel talking about how he is just so amazing at basketball.

Me: Yo Daniel! Can you shut up for ONE second about your stupid team? You always actin like you the star, but everyone knows Jacob is the one shooting all yalls points!

Daniel: Girl hush! You always gotta talk about Jacob huh? You gotta crush or somethin?

Me: Hahahaha! No way! Its just that we've grown up together you know! We've been playing ball together all the time since before we even went to school! We taught eachother so much about basketball!

Daniel: Whatever. 

Me: Nigga.

Daniel: What was that?

Me: Oh nothing. Just a little cough.

Then I heard it. The bell. THANK THE LORD.

I almost ran to my car, so ready to get home. This day has just been so long and boring listening to the teachers talk about what we are going to do this school year. It was such a drag.

I turned on my car and Worst Behavior by Drake started playing. That's the one thing I love, the radio always played the perfect music when I leave school. I pulled out of the parkinglot fast avoiding the traffic that was soon to come, and nodded my head to the beat during the ten minute ride home.

Earlier, Daniel was talking about Jacob. Yeah we are next door neighbors, and have been playing basketball for what seems like forever. Since we are such similar ball players, he's a point guard just like me, and I must say, we both own that court. 

When I was getting out of my car, I saw Jacob pull up to his house, so I waved. He quickly waved back, parked his car, got out and grabbed his bag, and then went to the other side of the car for some reason. I stood there waiting to talk to him about how his summer season was going and then I saw him open the door for someone. I've never seen this girl in my life, but she looked pretty. She had long black hair, large eyes, and was about 5 feet tall. 

Jacob: Ayo Penny! Come here for a second!

So, with that I made my way across the grass over to his driveway. 

Jacob: This is Peyton! Peyton, this is Penny!

Me: Hey!

Peyton: Hey!

Jacob: Peyton, Penny plays basketball just like me! We are the same position actually! 

Peyton: Really? That's awesome! I love sports so I totally have to check out you and Jacob sometime, Penny!

Me: Haha thanks! Do you do a sport?

Peyton: Yeah, track. I may not do it this year though because it's Junior year, and grades are everything right now.

Jacob: Well, if you are good enough, you could get a scholarship!

Peyton: Yeah I guess, but as my mom always says, grades before sports. 

Me: True!

Jacob: Oh yeah, we gotta get started on that project! Sorry Penny, but we have to go calculate some forces for physics.

Me: Honors Probs?

Jacob and Peyton: Yep.

Me: Sucks!

Jacob and Peyton: Yep!

Me: Hahaha I'll catch yall later! Nice meeting you Peyton! 

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