Chapter 8 : Love Is In The Air.

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Chapter 8 : Love Is In The Air.

What happened yesterday was just magical . All this time I thought I loved Eric but what I was actually in love with was his looks not him , not his personality . He didn't even understand me , he never cared for me nor did he ever tell me that he liked me . All this time Ron liked me and I didn't know ! I didn't think for once why I was the only one he gave that adorable , loving smile to . I didn't even bother looking at him , because I was busy admiring a person who didn't feel what I felt for him .

That kiss , it was just out of this world . it made me feel alive and it is the only thing I am thinking about since . I keep touching my lips the way his tongue moved on them . I keep smiling like an idiot . I have banged into a wall twice this morning .

I guess I am falling for him , truly , madly , deeply ..... in love with him .

His face is the only thing I saw in my dream . Our kiss replayed in my head .

again and again and again .

If this is not love , then I don't know what it is .

I won't let anything come between us now . Not even the gods above can separate the two of us .

He has not yet asked me to be his girlfriend , but he knows what my answer will be . And I am sure he'll ask pretty soon . I can't wait to say yes and jump into his arms kissing him , hugging him .

I'm on my way to school and he is literally everywhere . its kind of scary because I just say a fat punk/emo and even he looked like ron to me . Smiling at me like he always does .

Oh god , I am going crazy ! but I love this feeling .

I can't believe I am blushing just by thinking about him . This has never happened to me , never before .

I reach school and make sure to park next to his car . Even his car is making me blush .

As I enter I hear a familiar voice calling me , its not Ron's voice .

It's Justin .

" Look Justin , I know you guys are angry but I swear it was not my fault-"

" Em , I know .. you wouldn't do that to Alex . "

" Are you serious ? " Wow . that's a first .

" Yes , Em . Umm ... I just wanted to say something ."

" Okay , Shoot . "

" Em , I - I like ... I like-"

" Oh no no no no no !" Oh no ! he cannot like me ! what the hell !?

" What ? "

" You can't like me Justin ! I like Ron ! I don't like you ! Oh god ! No ! "

just as I finish he started laughing .

what the hell ? why is he laughing !? I am shit scared right now !

" Em , I don't like you !"

" Oh ." you are the biggest idiot ever Emily Robertson .

" I like Susan . And I am going to ask her out today and I am freaaaaking out ! "

" Don't worry Jus . She likes you too "

I shouldn't have said that .

" Wait . What !? Really ? Oh my god ! are you serious !? okay .... Do I look good ? "

" Like a persian sex god . " this made both of us laugh .

" Okay , wish me luck "

" Best of luck boy . you'll nail it ! " okay .. that sounded very wrong . and maybe that is why he gave me a weird look before leaving .

Why is Ron not here !? I am dying to see him !

My thoughts were disturbed when two strong arms pulled me by my waist untul my back was pushed back to his chest .

I instantly blushed , I knew who it was .

His smell filled my senses . his touch sends a shiver down my spine . my legs have become jelly right now . I would fall if he wasn't still holding me .

Things this boy does to me !

" Hello , beautiful ." he whispered in my ears . Even his manly , raspy voice is like like a sweet , melodious song to my ears.

I could stand here forever in his arms .

" Hey , what took you so long ? "

he slowly turned my face towards his .

" So you were waiting for me ? "

" Yes " I just had to admit .

" Was it worth the wait ? "

" Yes " my cheeks are burning red right now . and he is just talking to me .

" I have something planned for you "

Wow .

" What is it ? " I getting curious and excited .

He stepped closer closing the distance between us . leaned down to me and jist before kissing me he said in a very soft , raspy voice " it's a surprise " and then kissed me the way he does and trust me it is SO GOOD !  I can't even think of words good enough to describe the way he kisses .

A surprise . My heart is beating faster than it did last time , which was pretty fast .

Just then the bell rang and he gave me one last peck on my lips and ran off to class .

I can't wait for his surprise . I know its going to be great .


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love you all xoxo :D

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