Chapter 34: Just In Love With The Idea Of Being In Love.

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Chapter 34: Just In Love With The Idea Of Being In Love.

"EMILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" I hear before someone jumps on top of me and slaps me continuously "Wake up!" she screams in my ear.

"OH MY GOD, ALEX! FUCK OFF!" I scream back at her. Always, just always! She always has to screw up my sleep. It's like she hates the idea of me resting. I open my eye to see the time. 6 am. Great just great. She just had to fuck up my sleep at 6 fucking am. "Alex, it's 6 am. Why do you want me to wake up so early?" I ask calmly.

"BECAUSE P. R. O. M." She says and I feel like sitting on top of her and twisting her head like a popsicle stick. What part of 'Prom Night' does she not get? One day I get to sleep in because there is no school and she ruins it. "Alex! Prom will start at seven thirty in the EVENING!" I scream out the last part of my sentence.

"I know, duh." I give her a are-you-shitting-me-bro look and she gives me her i-am-so-fucking-excited look. Ugh. She gets off of me and pulls my covers up. I get up and head straight to the bathroom. This girl is crazy. I take my time to clean myself up and head down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. And I see something that makes my jaws drop. Mom is standing near the counter, wearing an apron, her hair tied up in a messy bun, making bacon and eggs, talking to Alex and both of them are laughing.

She puts some bacon and eggs on a plate for Alex and pushes it towards her. Alex says thank you and sniffs the food before she eats it, she always had the habit of doing that.

"Hey guys." I say and both of their heads turn towards me. My mom gives me a wide smile and Alex just opens her mouth to say something, but she couldn't because her mouth was full. Gross.

"Hello, sunshine. Come here, take a seat. I'll grab a plate for you." Wow, she is being extremely nice. She walks over to the cabinets and grabs a plate for me. she puts bacon and eggs on my plate and before I could reach for the ketchup she grabs it and puts the proper amount of it in my plate. Honestly, I am a little taken back by this. Mom used to make bacon and eggs for Trav and me when we were kids and she always put ketchup on our plates.

"You remember?" I ask softly.

"Of course I do." She says and turns to grab a plate for herself.

"So, Alex, Who's the lucky boy you're going with to prom tonight." My mom asks not knowing that Alex bats for the other team.

"Um, actually-" Alex starts but I interrupt her, "You don't have to if you don't want to, Al" I say to her grabbing her hands. She gives me a half smile before turning to my mom.

"Actually, I have no interest in men, if you know what I mean." She says and my mother's eyes go wide. I swear if any kind of crude remark come out of my mum's mouth today I'll-"Well, Honey, you should be proud of yourself. It's not bad to love someone of your own gender. I have a couple of friends who are gay and they are just incredible." Say what?!

Oh god, is she my mother? Or maybe she's an alien. A nice one though. "Wow, I didn't expect that coming from you." I say and Alex kicks me from under the table. I look at her and see her glaring at me. 'what?' I whisper to her.

"Well, then I guess you don't know me so well, darling." My mom says with a sad smile. I would if you would be around all the time, I wanted to say but I keep my mouth shut and eat whats left on my plate. After an hour of arguing over light or dark make up with Alex, my phone starts to ring. Ron. A small smile spread across my face. "I'll be waiting outside." Alex sighs as she sees the caller id. She makes her way out of the room and I answer the call.

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