Chapter 29 (Part 1) : Need To Sneak

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Hey guys! Please read the authors note in the end. Sorry for the late update L

Enjoy :D

Chapter 29 (Part I) : Need To Sneak

“It’s your fault!” she yells                                    

“Oh really!? Please elaborate!” he yells

“It’s all because of you she hates us! You are a money minded freak!” she yells again.

“Says the woman who spends nearly thousand dollars on lingerie every week!” he yells back.

“Em, I really think you should go down and stop them. They are fighting for you and it’s been going on since a while now.” Ron says looking worried. We are still lying down on the bed, cuddling each other.

“No. I think they’re cool.”

“You think they are cool? They have been yelling at each other for almost three hours now.” He says with a look that says i-am-terrified-they-might-kill-each-other.

“Ron, this is what my family is like. They are never around! And when they are, they fight. Now you know why I hate them” I say and pout like a child.

“Okay at least let’s get out of this place before I go deaf!” he says and sighs.

“Yeah let’s go. But where?” I ask as I get up to put on some make-up.

“A movie?”

“Is it a date?” I try to throw my best British accent and raise my eyebrow up.

“If you want it to be.” He replies with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

“I will be honoured.” I say holding my head up like I am the queen of England.

“So a date it is.” He says and grabs me by my waist. “Let’s go” he says and we dash out of the door like children.

We walk slowly down the stairs so that my parents think we’re in the bedroom when actually we aren’t. Not that I care if they know. I mean, I don’t give a shit about them so yeah, we just wanted to sneak out even though we didn’t have to.

We get down and try not to make any sound and we take soft steps towards the door.

“Emily? Where are you going?” just as I was about to open the door this lady had to spot me! yay life!

“Out” I say and open the door.

“Get back here, young lady!” my dad yells.

“No.” I say

“Babe I think you should at least tell them where you’ll be.” Ron says. Great, my parents have already scared the crap out of him.

“I don’t think so. Now let’s go.” I say and pull him out. We quickly get into his car rush out of the driveway.

15 minutes later

“Which movie would you like to watch?” he asks eyeing the ‘Amazing spider-man 2’ poster. I am not a big fan of superheroes. I have hardly watched any of superhero movies. The only movie I watched was ‘The Avengers’ and spidy wasn’t in it so I don’t know a shit about him. Ron is a huge fan of superheroes and Spider-man has always been his favourite. By the look on his face I know how desperately he wants to watch that movie and being the good girlfriend I am, I am ready to go through hell. Yes, I can do this.

“Amazing Spider-man 2” I say and his he turns to look at me with wide eyes.

“You? Spider-man?” he says in disbelieve.

“Yes. Me. Spider-man” I say like it’s something obvious.

“I thought you hated superheroes.” he asks not even blinking.

“Well I guess I don’t anymore.” I say with a smile. His expression softens and I see a smile forming on his face.

“Let’s go then.” He says and holds my wrist and pulls me with him to the ticket counter. I can sense how excited he is and I happy that I made him happy after all that I put him through.

Much to my surprise when we take our seats in the movie theatre someone whom I don’t yet know how to face sits next to me.

“Em, what a surprise! You like Spider-man?” Ethan says grinning.

“Hey, um, Yeah I kinda do.” I say hesitantly. “I, uh, I’m here with Ron.” And his smile drops.

His eyes shift to Ron who is currently trying to help the kid sitting next to him find his lollypop that went under his seat. “Here you go.” Ron gives the boy his lollypop and gets up to take his seat. As he gets up he sees Ethan sitting next to me and he starts looking between me and Ethan. I just shrug in response.

“Hey Ron.” Says Ethan. Why on earth would he say ‘Hey’ to him! He knows how much Ron hates him!

“Hey asshole.” Ron replies with a scowl.

“Ron!” I whisper to him. “Don’t be rude!”

“I don’t care” he whispers in my ear, well I wouldn’t call it a whisper actually. It was loud enough for Ethan to hear.

They both stare at each other for a bit and the movie starts. At this moment I am really glad that the movie started because as it did both of them stopped staring at each other. They both looked like five year olds watching their favourite movie. It was like they totally forgot about everything that happened a minute ago. Much to my disappointment none of them paid even a little attention to me.

Well, I don’t really care that Ethan didn’t give me attention, but Ron! I thought this was a date. He’s so into the movie. Both of them are. Ron is not even holding my hand like he usually does! Screw you Spidy!

Both of them turn to look at me that the same time. Oh fiddlesticks! I said it out loud.

I just ignore their stares and sink into my seat.

After what it felt like forever it was interval time. I saw half of the movie and I still didn’t understand what the actual f was happening. I was just looking at Ron and then at Ethan.

“Hey Em, should I get you something to drink?” Ethan asks as he gets up.

“Um, no thank you.” I say

“Uh, yeah actually get my a bottle of coke.” Ron says and throws a $5 bill at Ethan and smirks. Oh god.

“I wasn’t asking you.” Ethan saying gritting his teeth.

“Aw come on. Can’t you get your friend’s boyfriend a bottle of coke?” Ron says with a pout. This made me laugh. But I bit my lower lip to keep it in. Ethan looks at me and leaves out a frustrated sigh. “Things I do for you.” he says and leaves.

“Motherfucker.” Says Ron as he leaves.

 This is going to be fun.


  A/N: I am really sorry for the late update but I have been extremely busy with my studies and stuff. I will try to update as often as possible. Please let me know in the comments what you think about my story.

Let me know if you like it or not. If you do like it, please vote and share.

Feel free to message me if you have any queries about the story and I will reply you with your answer as fast as I can.

I am also sorry if you found this chapter small, the next chapter will be bigger.

Love y’all xoxo. 

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