Chapter 17 : Now This Is Interesting!

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(Not Edited)


Chapter 17 : Now This Is Interesting!

So after a week of being miserable I finally decide to come out of my lovely bed. Well my week was not exactly miserable. I mean I really had fun. Alex and Donna were always around. Justin and Susan stopped by and then got horny and left (Things get pretty steamy between those two, I am kinda jealous). Alex brought pizzas and Donna got me big tubs of Ben&Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream. I might have put on a few pounds.

Who cares..

Its not like I hate school or something but I really don’t wanna go. Its 6am and Alex just poured a glass of icy water on me. What a heavenly start! I feel so fresh.... my day couldn’t have had a better start.

So after a lot of screaming and yelling she finally pulls me by my leg which causes me to fall flat on my face on the hard ground. Wow. I feel so loved.

As I feel her coming closer I scoot under my bed and refuse to come out. What I forgot was this is Alex we’re talking about. Hiding from her is not a good idea.

“Emily! I give you 30 seconds to come out or I will have to take some action!” this my friends, scared the living crap outta me. I try to slid out slowly and look up to see a very evil Alex grinning at me. Its a very evil grin.

“Alex please! Just one more day!” she sighs and sits down next to where I am lying down with only my head out and the rest of my body under the bed. I think my please worked. She’ll finally let me stay at home. Yay !

That’s what I thought but my hopes were shattered when she slapped me right across my face.

“OUCH! What you did that for?” a very angry me asks her and when I get a death glare in return fear sets in again. Alex can really be very evil at times. She can replace all the 6 demons that possessed Emily Rose.

Oh the irony.

Right now Alex is the demon and I am Emily Rose and let me tell you she is doing a great job.

“Get out of there right now! I will not say twice.” That is when I drag my ass out and stand up waiting for her next order. “be ready in 30 minutes and I’m waiting downstairs.” She says and stomps out of the room. I flinch when she bangs the door hard while leaving.

(No you pervs. Not literally bang the door).

I do as I’m told to and go downstairs. I see Alex, Justin, Susan, Donna and Eric all waiting for me. Alex hands me a granola bar and I start munching it. Suddenly Justin and Donna burst out laughing followed by Eric and then Alex. I am really confused at this point so I ask.

“Why are you guys laughing?” they all look at me at the same time and stop laughing. After what it felt like 10 seconds they all start laughing again. Like literally ‘lmao’ kind of laughing.

Then Justin tries to stop himself and says “We recorded the whole Alex trying to wake you up.” And everyone laughs louder. This is when I start to get angry. “Stop laughing.” I mumble but they continue.

That’s it !

I slam the granola bar on the kitchen table and yell “I said stop laughing!” all of them look at me with their eyes wide open. Like they just saw shark roar in a airplane. A little too much exaggeration ?

I take my car keys and my bog and leave the house. I drive as fast as I can and reach school in 10 minutes.

Its still early for school to start so I decide to read a book for the next 20 minutes. I make my way to the library and just before I enter I douchebag slams into me and just as I was about to fall he holds me by my waist and pulls me up. “I am sorry, beautiful” she say with a very thick British accent. His voice is really very manly and he it not at all bad looking. I am still in his arms when I hear someone who sounds familiar.

“Em! What are you doing!?” yes, that is my boyfriend or my ‘so called’ boyfriend. I take a step away from the hottie who just saved my life after putting my life into danger.

Wow Emily. Just wow.

“None of your business Ron.” That came out harsher than I thought it would. I can see the anger rising in Ron’s eyes. Before he could say something the mysterious guy spoke. “See you around, beautiful” he then winks at me and leaves.

Okay you must be thinking I am all in love with his hot accent and handsome face and light brown hair and deep green eyes. But no, I’m not. I feel bad because I know Ron is hurt and I know he is going to burst in




“What the actual fuck!” he says and I would be lying if I say I am not enjoying this.

“What? I was about to fall and he helped me” I say trying to sound as innocent as possible.

“You were this close to drooling all over him” he pinches his index finger with his thumb. Maybe I was. Because of his green eyes and that accent and light brown hair and- Get a grip Emily!

“Jealous?” I say and I know what’s coming next. He is probably going to tell me to stay away from the mysterious guy.

“You better stay away from him!” I knew it.

You see I am really good at provoking people and that is what I am about to do.

“Or what?” with that his nose flare and I swear I can see smoke coming out of his ears. This is so good. I am enjoying this so fucking much.

“Or I am going to beat that guy to pulp in front of you and then kiss the crap out of you in front of him. Don’t test me Emily. You know I’ll do it.” He says taking steps closer towards me. I don’t move I just raise my hands and shove him back.

“Only my boyfriend is allowed to kiss me Ron. I don’t think you are my boyfriend anymore.” I fell guilty after those words leave my mouth and I can see all the colour from Ron’s face drain.  I didn’t mean it but I said it and I feel really very guilty. But I don’t show it.

Ron looks into my eyes and says “Tell me you don’t mean what you just said.” He half demands.

Just as I was about to say something I hear the bells ring which means I need to rush to class.

“Bye Ron.” I say and leave. I don’t even turn to see him I just leave.

I know I was wrong but come on I just like playing dirty little games. I am going to love this little game of jealousy that will soon being. The seed has been planted and its soon going to grow into a big tree. He needs to know what he did was wrong and this time I was not at fault. He needs to learn to trust me and if he can’t it’s better we separate our ways.

I love him I truly do, but I am not going to accept such crappy behaviour. He didn’t even call or text me once the whole damn week. He didn’t even reply to any of my calls or texts and now its pay back time.

Best of luck Ron. This is going to be really interesting.


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