Chapter 32: I Missed You

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A/N : 2K READS WHAAAAAA????? I am extremely happy today! I never thought ‘Heartbreaker’ would even reach 500 reads. It feels surreal. Thank you so much for reading and thank you so so so much  if you vote for my story or share my story. It means a lot to me.

Also, my new story ‘Trapped!’ is out now! It’s about a girl named Jennifer and how her life changes after a small incident that takes place inside a forest. I really don’t want to open the suspense, so please read and I assure you guys, it won’t bore your ass off.

Thank you so much again! Love y’all. Enjoy!

*Dedicated to my babe Ammara<3 Happy 5 months anniversary babe!

Don’t get too wasted;) enjoy your day xoxo*


Chapter 32: I Missed You.

“Emily! Darling! How are you? I really didn’t expect you to call me, I miss you sweetheart.” My mom says and I hear her voice crack as she speaks. Yes, mum even I didn’t expect I would call you I wanted to say but I don’t. I have to keep in mind that she has gone through just as much as I have. I need to stop judging her, I need to understand this is just as difficult for her as it is for me.

“Um, I, uh, I was thinking if you could come over this weekend, I, uh, um, Prom’s coming an-“ before I could finish my sentence she shot “I’ll be there, I’ll check if there are any flights available right now. If not flights I’ll manage to get a cab. I’ll do whatever I can. I’ll be there by tomorrow. I promise.” She says in a quick breath.

“Yeah, okay. Bye.” I say and hang up. I put my phone aside and stare at the box that’s still resting on my bed. Should I open it? Or should I wait until mum comes? How much did I hate her that I didn’t even see what she gifted me like an year ago? I don’t even know what colour the dress is!  Now I feel guilty for no reason.

My phone starts ringing. Alex. “Yeah?”

“Susan broke her leg.”

“What!?” I say and run downstairs to grab my shoes.

“Yeah we’re at the hospital, be there in five tops.” She says

“On my way.” I grab my car keys and rush outside.

I enter into the hospital and see Ron standing near the elevators. “I was waiting for you, let’s go.” He says and intertwines his fingers with mine. We rush up to Susan’s ward only to find Eric and Justin sitting outside. Then I see Donna and Alex coming our way with coffee cups in their hand. at first I thought Eric was comforting Justin but then when we inched closer I heard Eric saying “Dude, she broke a leg not her skull. Stop fucking crying and man up!”

Justin was crying? Wow. He must really love her. I turn to Ron and ask him to lean down so that I could whisper in his ear. He leans down till my lips reach his ear. God! I’m short. “When was the last time you cried for me?” I say with a mischievous grin and he gives me that are-you-serious? Look. I just shrug and turn my attention back to Eric cursing Justin to man up and I hear a chuckle come from Ron. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer and brings his mouth to my ears “You’ve made me cry more times than you think” and then he plants a small kiss at the back of my ear.

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just kept quiet. I really didn’t know whether to feel bad or not about what he just said. I felt like hugging him and saying sorry, but I decide against it.

“Justin, for god’s sake! She is not dying!” this time it was Donna who got frustrated. God he really is acting stupid. “But-”Before he could say something Alex slaps him across the face. All of us gasp and look at Alex with shocked expressions. Justin looks at her with a similar shocked expression cupping his cheek in one hand. She stands there with her arms crossed and a smug smile appears on her face.

“Thanks, I guess I needed that.” Justin breaks the silence and all heads turn towards him with the similar shocked expression. Alex makes a move towards him and sits next to him. she pats his shoulder before speaking, “Now, act like a man with some balls and go inside. She needs you.” She says patting his shoulders and Justin does as she says.

“Wow!” Donna exclaims and Ron breaks the silence as he bursts out laughing. Following with Eric, Alex and then, finally, Donna and me.

Feels like old times.   

A/N: I am sorry. I know this chapter is ridiculously small. Next chapter will be bigger I promise. Please vote, comment and share my story if you think it’s worth it. I love you guys and thank you so much for the support.

READ ‘Trapped!’, MY NEW STORY!

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