Don't worry [part two] (Logicality)

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**Warning: Breakdown, self hate, low self esteem, angst and minor depression**

-A month later-

Morality was a totally different person. He didn't make any dad jokes, he wasn't excited for each sentence of cuteness that someone will say and he didn't show affection anymore either. The others were very worried about him and Logan even more. Morality was on the edge of the a breakdown. Everything around him didn't have beauty and didn't have happiness. Before he get up his inner voice was whispering words in his ear.
"Morality... You are a shame! People worry about you!! They aren't supposed too! You are the father, but once again you don't do your job! What a waste... You are a disgrace! Every personality think you are the worse Dad. You are just an idiot, that doesn't deserve attention... They all hate you! Logan hate you even more than the others! He wish that you shut up at each words you speak... You don't deserve to be happy..."
Morality try his best to ignore the words, but it was so hard. He look into the mirror and whisper to himself: "I... I am an idiot..." He took a deep breath to not burst into tears and stick a fake smile on his lips. He walk out of his room and Logan have made the breakfast to help Morality, but inside Dad mind it was because what he did for breakfast was awful. Logic look over to Morality with concern, but say nothing. Anxiety came into the kitchen and pass by Dad. His eyes widened a little, he senses the negative he was feeling since it was pretty bad. He look at him and ask seriously to him: "Morality, you sure you are fine?" He nodded and was lying like always. "Yes kiddo, don't worry about me" Anxiety didn't insist knowing he won't tell if he was feeling bad. He knew that Morality will not listen to him or Roman, but maybe Logic. He only sit down at the table next to Princey. He look at Anxiety smiling and after Morality. Logic serve the plate and for all the breakfast it was quiet. Everyone finish before the Dad persona, since he wasn't feeling well he was eating less than usual. The other personalities let him alone and Anxiety whisper what he felt from Morality to Logic. Logan look over at Morality with worried eyes. He quickly finish to eat and get up. He pass by them trying his best to resist. He get to his room and close the door behind him.

POV Morality

I was laying against my closed door. I had to resist, but my inner won't stop telling me what could and is probably the truth. I was on the edge of breaking down, but I couldn't, I didn't want anyone to care about me or even worry. I don't deserve it. I should wear the height of the world on my shoulders but no one should be worrying about me. I heard a firm knock on my door and the voice of Logic was on the other side: "Morality, can I come in?". I stick the same fake smile on my lips before opening the door to him "Yeah Logan, come in" He look at me directly into the eyes. He start talking and worry mixed with concern was in his voice.

"Morality, I need to know... Are you okay?"

That was too much. I look down and was to say those two words I didn't stop telling everyone since a month. He stop me before I could continue.

"If you say don't worry again I won't believe you Morality so tell me... What's wrong...?" He was worried. He was caring and that was too much. I look up at him and breakdown. I was crying awfully all the pain I kept inside for a all month. My whole body was shaking and Logic take me in his arm tightly. I have breakdown, I wasn't strong enough and I am only the worst, I fail.

Don't freak out guys! It is not the end! I am not so evil! It will have a part three! On this, hope you like it and see you next time! I love all of you!!

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